Sermon+· Ofthe GuN~POWDER-TREASON. diogtotheir merit, what tMgfleofmmorAngelscan doeit~ Bur,!ball we not there~ fore doe it, as we can ~ We were not confnmed: {hall d~1r thankfulneffe fall into acoli– fumption? His compajion failedru not, {hall our recognmon fa1le them~ Shall we not tiode our tongues as well wpratfe Hls mercrer, as ropray forrhem ~ Can wepowre out petitions in time ofneed, and can we not dropforth afewthankes when we have what we would~ No, let this be the firft: chat weanf"!er;Miferic~rdi£ nonronfump~ t.e withgrati.e inco»fmnpt.e; tl1at our thankes fall not mto an hechke. ' Then that we imitate the three properties ofthis vertue, that faved us, and to whom we'owe out [elves; ho other, than thofe, that be exprdled in the Text. r. That we keepethe numBer, ddeitplt~rafly. Noc.finglethankes, for plurAll mercies: that agrees not. Iterate them dver and over, as much as we may. In the weight, we {hall furely fal[{hort; let us make amends with the n11mf>er. Do: it ofr, and marry times; in hope, that S.epe cadendo, they {hall effechhat, which .Vi, by any . force in them, they are not able. • This for every one, to give as many as we may,make themmany. Now,asmanj as we are many. As we lhould have gone all rogether,as we fhould have gone; fo, and no otherwife, let us, together, here, all acknowledgeHis mercies, this day,fhew. Pfal.J 48.ri; cdus,andpraifeHim all ofusforthem: Praifebim King,and f!.!!,eene, &c. ... Yea, not onelyDieat nnnc Ifrae!, but Dieat nrmcparies, praife Himwals andwin- Pfa!.us~!: dower, praife Him lime and.ftom, praife Him ro~(e andfetmdation, Let thempraife the Name ofthe Lord: for Hefaid but aword, and theyflood[aft; Hecommanded, Non,and Pfal.•4s. f.~, they werenotftirred. leremie fpeakes to a wall to wcepe (Chap.z.r8.) wemay;with as goodreafon, to rcjoyce, andgive th4nkes. All, that lhould have peri{hed together, praife Him together. · . z. Next: that we put him not off'with certaine(l know not whar)hoUow thankes;' that haveno bowels at all in them. But doe ir,De vifceribru, De intimis fibru,from the very bowels, from the innermoft yeines and the fmalleft threeds ofthem : with Him, Praife the Lord, o my{oule, '':l,p '?:J1 andall my howels,itflthat is withinme,Afl my bones p[! ..• , ~all fay, &c. When the bones (thebones that ihould have beene fhivered in funder) rri :?;~: when thebowels (the bowels,that lhould have beene !cattered abroad) fpeake,rhat is · · the right [peaking. Ifevery one ofus, to himfelfe, Would but fay the very words of thisver~one!y, as they lland, It wa1, &c. ItwtU, &c. even this onward, were worth the while ;ifit be not for forme,but feelingly fpoken: Die, Dic,fedintm die; fay ir, but fay it from within, let the bo1ilelsJPeake it; though our words failc us, they doe not. And (indeed)thuonfumption fhould have beenewithjre; {hall our recogniiion befror:.m ? no fparke, novigor ignem, no fervor at all in it~ How agree thefe,afiery ieftrullion, and afrozen confefion? It ftandeth us upon to be delivered, no ldfe from coldtfumlw, thanfromahot.Jire. 3· And that weneverfaile to doe it. No yeare to intermit it, no weeke, and (I would I might adde)no day neither. Anfwer t.Mifericordia Eitu manetin .eternum, PC 1 6 ., withMi{ericordias Domini cantabo in £ternum: and not, mercies that never faile, with l'f~::;.,·:;.. jbm thanktsand foonedone; fpecially, feeing, their not failing lyeth upon ournot · ·· ·-· ~ failing them. Now,it would do well to fealcup all with aRecognition reall ;that is, tbepraife of m1rcie, with fome work ofmercy. What was done upotJ us,this day~ our pref~rvin": Awork ofmercy it was. Thisworke can no way fo lively be exprelfed, as by awo;k oflikenature, nothing fo well (faith S.Iames) by w.rme breath, as bywarme clothes. _. Ergaconft•mendos, fuch as are in danger ofir, not byjre,burbycoldandnakednejfe. 1~''!·!~; : This, as it is ~ moftkindly way to refembleit: fo(withall)is it a moft elfetlu~ all meanes to prpcure the continuance andnolfailingofit. Magnes eft mifericsrdiA. Deeerg~nos, mifericordiano~ra infratres; of Go n's mercy to us, keeping us from cenfu'!'tng,our mercy toward our poore brethren is the loadllone,to keep them from the hke. So, under one, lh2ll wee both fet it forth and procure it; procure that~ We fo much ftaudin need of, and (et forth that verrue, to which wewerefomucb th1s day beholden~ ~mmm4