Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

ttt~ tttttttttt# *'~~* -~~~~*ttttt ''''''''* *~'*''**'*t~ •ttftttt~tett~tt~ttt•~ 'A SERMON P.RE'A; GHED BEFORE THE ICINGS MAIESTIE AT VVHITE-: HALL, on the V. o{ :J(gye~her~ /1, 'D. MD C X I I I. PRovERB. cHAp. vm. v E a._xv~ Per me Reges regnant~ 'By .me K.i_ngs reigne. ~~E=::i=::=~::;::;;~ijHefc words m~ywell fervefora Sermon; for they bee a peece of aSertNon. For all the Ch~pter JS aSermon pre<~ched by one ftandmg m the top efthe highpltteu, (verfe l.) The highplam, that was (then) their chu"b; The top efthem, that was thepnlpit. I It is the common quefiion wha preaches? Ever, wee muft know' that : And though the whole booke beeSafo. 933 mons; ~nd rhough hee bee a *Preacher • Ec 1 r. ., upon Record; yet Maior Salem~»~ehtc, a l>bt~ ~;.~~: greater Preacher than S•lomon is here. -– Hee was but wife; it is Wifdomeitfelfc - c• --~ . made this Sermon. And wee may bee I A r bold to preach, what Wifdome preach· er 1: ~~rmon ~Ut of luch a Sermon, cannot beamiife. · ·u Spectally,thlsWi{dome; theeffenriall Wifdome of Go o: which upon the point ' Wl prove to be none other,but C ~!I~- _s_T :And fo, our Text fall out to be dever: bit