9j4 OftheGuN~Powo~ 01JJ, biJ Domini, that is, deverbiJ Domini fectmdum Salom~l thanfectmdr•m Matth<~.um, or Ioannem. ' 0 elfe Which though they were uttered by Him, before He was in the flefh h that~ they be nowhit theleffe; but full out as good Gofpell, as ifthey ha~batof recorded by any ofthe foure Evangtlijls: yea, and this we may adde further. eme Gofpell, before any Go[pe/1ofthem all. Thus much for the Arsthor ofthe fpee,h.even The Summe. . The fpeech it felfefeemes, as ~ffome quefiion there were, Perq11emRtgts 10 fome were about to brmg the Wnt of ~oWarranto, to know howrhey cla· t beKings; how ro hold rheirfoveraigne Authority; by whofe gram~ uneto And let not this feeme fl:range: It is no new thmg, to bnng this Writ in like cafes. Exodo.14. . One was brought again!l: v11ofes; Who marle theeaRuler? Nay higher ;onea- ?tht. "·'l· gamfi our Savtour Htrnfelfe: By what authonty doeflthor• the(e things, and,.boga'fle theethar.uthority? Againft Mofer, againft Chnft? and why not thenagainlt Safo. mon and his fellowKing i · Exod.; .••· And this fame Per <..Me (here) is an anfwer to all. Who made you (<Mo{es)a !oh:tto.JG. Ruler~ He.whofe Name ts I am, fent me •. Who gave chrift His authority~ He,that [anflzfiedHzrn, and fent Htm to be the Mejit,u ofthe world. And here now; Kings, by whom, Per Me, by Htm too. Thefe words ofh1s, Charta Reuia, This theirChartrr Royal/; And He that gave it them, will warrant it for good,"and beare themout •· gainll: all the Per me'sin the world. This forrhe Narure ofrhefpeech. · A point neceffary, if ever, at this rime to be weighed well, and lookedinro; whcr~in this quellion is put up, and fo vexed, that it cannot reil: Wherein they hav~ BtUar.eonr. fer up anAnti-per and given him this fentencc in hismourh,Eg1 facio,rrt Rex trrus Rex Bml. · ne.fit, I roil! m.<keJlllr King no King, this Text Per Me norwithll,nding. One,to fe– ver Reges and Regnant; that they !hall reigne no longer, than he feescaufe tofutfcr them. And is it not time then, to make good their Tmures i' And that doe this 'Text,andthisday. TheTexr, in word; the day, indeed Cllm effirlu, real!y. The Text, the words indeed (as the words ofroifdume) are bur few, and the fen-: tence lhort; fcarce any in Scripture fo llJOrt: In our rongue, bur foure words, and they but foure fyllables. Bur it fareth with fentenm as with Coynes. In Coynes, they that in fmalleft compaffe conraine greatell value are bell: efteemed: And, in fen· rences, thofe that in feweftwords comprife moll: matter, are mofi praif.d. Andfucn is this. Exceeding compendious, that we mull: needsbe without all excufe(it being but foure monofyllables) if we doe not remember it. . And withal!, of rich Contents :for, upon thefe foure fyllables,depend all Kmgs and Kingdomes ofthe Earth: Offuch force are they. 0 f which foure, the two latter (Reges and Regnant) be two as great matters a> :mybe in the World. One, rhcPer{imsthcm[elves, as they beKings. Theorher,rhe LAlJ oftheirreigning, or bearing ruleover Nations.- Thefe tWo latter depend.on the two former per, me: which are but one in effect ;bur, He a great One. For,ttJshere :pofitively fet downe, ajfmndo, that thde two latter,are by thtsformer; B1 and through Him, that fayes per me.Byand through himKings firflfetledmrh~Jrmgnu. By and through ijim ever fince upholden in their reignes. By and rhrough htm vouch~ fafed ml!ny miraculouspre[ervations in their reignes. Thus farrerhe Text. d . h Luh qB, Then, by the tender mercy of our Go o comes the day from onhigh, an. gtvf great light unto the Text: This Day, on which a very memorable memon:Ul 0 f famousper me. One, in great Capital! letters: Even of per Me Reges i and not~ per Me Reges alone, but ofper Me Leges, (and that too followes, here mthe;.er e) and mfper Me Greges too; all had gone up, but for this, per ()}le: This D•y,t 15 1;! 5 Me founderh in your eares,and thisday thisper 0'J1ewasfealeamyoureyes,andr 1 que!hon actually decid~d! ~61