Sermon 5· For ·the Order in treating whereof, _o~r parts lnufl be as our words: Looke TbeDwifo,; how many words, fomany pans: foure, of etrher. 1 OfMe firll, theCau(e~ , Then I. ofPer, the<.Manner : J After of J'er'me Reges, the l'et(ons : +And lall of Per r..Me I I• . wna1# theAfl. !If; ' " ' IV:o P. Er Me. It is a generall Rule, ier dicit caufi:m: the Natureofthis Prepofition r.· (Per) is to nore a Caifecerraine. And acerraine eaule exduderh chance. Firft The ca•fri then, Kings and Kingdumes havetheir Per: they be ~or forte fortunJ, at hap.haza:d, Mt. 1 • tx concur(u atomorrmi. They be no cafualues, The wmde hltJWes llO mantot.hem (fatth k ings '"d the P[alme 57.) And Non temere (faith the Apollle ;) whereNon temert , as .it is not Kingdom« . iHJ4int, fo is it alfo not at adventure: C4n{at they are; Cafual they are nor. A I' er ~·~· c~•fo; there is; a Cauft of Kingrraigning. . · R;,;,7,~:f: What is that caufe ~ Per me: and Me is a Perfon; An'd a perfonis Natur.e ratioz 114 lit individuafubftantia,a tingle or determinateftJbjlanceofaNature indued with rea. Thnc.~afe i~ ~ fen. It is not Res brutavelmuta, no dumbe thing or without underftJnding, is caufe of Ptrfim. them. He fpeakes (wehearc :)fairh,J'tr Me. And His very !all: words before rhefe, Y<~fe •4i be, I itm tmderjlitnding. ' . . Again!hhole that doe lovi menf.imp!inere, afcribe it to the Pojitionofthefldrs, sr,y ~r.rrl tothisorthat Planet in rhe A{ce»dent. No;·itisnot de luminihm(they,beno Per- Iame 11 ., 1 • fons:) but de Patrelllminflm(He,is.) So acatl{nhereis;and no itl)perfonall caufe,but - - ~ Ptrmea Perfon. ' . WhatPerfon~Per Meregnant .• and that is not Perfe regnanh fo,another per; ~ fonit is belides themlelves; one cjifferent from them. That they reigne, is not,by or .Anotbtr P"'"' from themfelves, but by or from fome ~t'her belides. Regnaba(faith Adonijah) but he ~~~de them: failed; it would not be: To reach him,iris not Perfe, by their oivne boworfword,nor , R~.q; Narlenor Arte, they reigne; And fol-o facrifice to them. It is nottheir owne place, Pfal.n6. theyfitini northeirownepqwer, they execute: Iris deri·;ed from another pcrfon; Abac.x.•6. lpfeefl quifecit n9s., & non ipfinos (may they alfofay) He it uthatmadem, andnot we rfal.aoo.3~ 1urJelvts. APer(on; And .motherper(on, And who is ~hat otberper[on~Let me~ell you this firll: .Ir. is hut Me Per(on, not 4 many, Per Me IS the lingular number. It ts not Per nos: fo,tt IS not a plurahry; no Bntm!'ti; • mq/titude, they hold by. That daimeis gone, byPer me: onefingleperfonit is, Per fon,n~t m"'S• quem. "the other, aPhilofophicall conceit it camcftom, from thole that never had beard thisWifdome preach. In this booke, we finde not any Soveraigne power, ever featedin any bud1 colleClive, orderived from them: This we finde, that Go D He if PCal. 9 ·t: 9 i,,i, Kmg ; thatthe Kingdomes he Hu, andto whwJ He wz/1, Hegzveth them. That ever they t>•n·+·•+· came out of Go o's hand by any l'erMe,anygranr inrorhePeoples hands to be!l:ow, Ier.>z.rJ that we finde not. One Per{on it is. I aske then, this one Perfon who He is~ this I finde(at the XXIV.ver(e.) That f ivhofoever He is, He was, whenthere wereyetngAbyffi, no depthr, mr 1)o-moHntaines Th:uperiOn> upon the Earth, R'DI'the Earth itfelfe: He was before all thefe. I finde againe, (at rh_e ~~~~~~;~~ XXVII.ver{t.) When the heavens werejfrtad, a decreegwen to the SeA, tltefMndatt- - - P~softhe Earthfirfllayd,Hewas thereaWorkerrogetherwitb Go o: Was arthe makm? ofall, was HimCelfeMaker ofall. So, neither Mannor .AngeU; they mrenotfo anctenr, they creatednothing, they-were created rhemlelves. . . . Thenfileat omnu caro, let alljlejh keepe filence, Andomnu SpiritHS (too,) mtlus Zech.i:'i'r\ PomtofPer Me. Neither the fpiritthat faid oftbe Kingdomes ofthe Earth, AIJthefe M"+ 9 · \ ~rem111c : Nor he, that though hehAve hornes like the I..ambe,yetJleaketh words !tke the A;>oc• .' >·~!; . , . qrago'i