Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• OftheGuN,PO'WDJtR,TitBASON. ~ ~· Drllf,llf)• Thefefourefyllablesareafuperfedeas to all bookes or booke-mk Alh ro.>6. any_ma_1u PerMe! any mans ~laime. l_tis ~o man. And ifno man, then nop: ;~sfor ll,b, j-.i. ?e_a7fo u~m-111(as S_amt P.e~er fa1th, he was:) And Ctreundat~s, complljfed ,. 1 ;hi for mtttes,Samt Paul fa1th, he u: Sure,he made not the Eanh; h1infelfeismade f »fir. ;'\pi>c. '_:;.~. 'the Abyffm, the deep~ was m~de; yer he a(cendedeut ofit: t~e feilen hits, !ono baf.rh. hefate on them. Hers not th1sper Me; they hold not ofh1m : they holdofcp eore that createdheaven and eaHh; 1 ' Me, And thisper Me will bearenoper aliumbdides: He that mufi fay Pet meR' , !pUll: alfofay,Pe_r me C~{~!"& ~err~. ~onebut He that can fay theorie, canfaeg:h• other; Therefore nonew1th H1m m thrs Per. None tofiep forth and rejoyce J,. e perme,andby me too: unleffe he can fay Etiamper me C~tum (J'Terra, Per./i;mib"' bath no place here. , en Btlt might not theHigh~Priejf claime deputation underper me? For that there· i~ arule~cafe ofit here, in him that was the l~tter do~neofthis (Salomon.) Had rhe H:gh·Frtefl! hadAbwhar ever a per mefor~~~~ It IS well knowne,hispermewent ~•"R:tg.'t.t> w1th AdomJlth, agamft Salomm: H1sper me,\f1t could, would have depofed Salomon But fo farre was it from him to fay pet me Salomon, that comrary,Salomonmight fay •1 Rcg ,. 7 . and did, per me Abiathar. DepofeSalomonhe could not;depofed he was himfelfe.No• Pill.up. nobu Domine, non nobu)would he have [aid : It was permethewrong way wirhhim. w_ ell then; being neither <.Ma_n ?or v!ngeU(fince they made notthe World:) 6 Go n lt mull: b"e of force: There ts m the reafonable nature, no other perfon Lefr but He: And He it is. He, the parrie, that fpeakes: By Me Kings; I am rhe c.. fi: that Kings reigne. then, Reges quodfunt, per DeNmfnnr: Kings, what they:{te,by I• xm. •d Go n they are: n~~·m•~i~~~ (faithChryfiftome:) and a fpecialJ dignifyingofrhtlr £tm_, • fiates it is,fo th~Y. are. It was (we find) Wont ro·beth~ufuallfiyle(yea,evroofPopes rhemfelves) wnung to Kings, to w1lh them health tll eoper quem Reges regnant, iil HimbywhomKings d#e reigne: And that was neither Pope, mrpeople ;But GoD alone, whofe proper fiyle that is. ' ' Gon,••• ~ONNS. Ily GoD then·: I askeyet further, bywhatPerfonoftheGod-bed? fofarre wee have warrant to goeby this Text. It is wifdome, whofefpeech all this is: No created wif dome, bnt theWi(dome of Go n created all things, it felfeuncreare: that is the SoN NE of Go n, For, whorn ~AlomM here callethWi(dome, rhefame(in Clun•,~ the thirtieth chapterafter) he termeth the So NN• :WIMt it hi> Name (fpcakingof Go o) or What uHu SoN N•'s Name f By Him, by that Perfon doe they reignc: And now at rhela!l:, are we come torherightper me. . 1 As themitld/1 Fer (theprepofition) would reach us [o much, ifthere wetenothing elfe. Perdl: ""!'· tit cd11{itmmediam, it delignetha middle caufe. And He is themitldle Ferfon, ofthe ~ri1,~ p ; great Caufe, CaHfa CdiJfarum, A Deo(faith Saint Faut;) per~e (fa_irhSalomon .-)from Go n rhe Father, by Go o the Sonne. Wemayknow1r, It IS C a a Is r spre: pofltion, this (ever :)per chrijlum Deminum noflrum. . . And by Him, mofi properly: for, in that He was to be Man,allrhebenclirs which were to come from G on, toman,were tocome by Him. He, thePer, ofall: amdng \vhich, this one ofRegaURegiment is a principall one. ,; As .Vifd••• By Him againe. Becaufe He is Wi(dume(which I reckonworth« note)rhat thef perofKingdomes, whereby they conlift, is not P11wer fo properly (the Attnbure o the lirfi) as Wijd11me (the Attribute ofthe fecond Perfon:) they fiand ratherby Wif. dome than force.Befides,Sdpiemis eft ordinue (faith thegreat Philofophcr) thepropet workeofwi(d11111e, is toorder. And what is Anuchie, but a diforderedchmofCdoo. fufion ~ Or what is Rule, bur an 1vTaJ;i., a fettingand holding ofall mgood or cr. 4As AT(J~!(: Pra.•.s. ApOC.I9.1:.. Pfal. 47·7• ~l.~il·'>· This beingWi{domes proper worke, thisperis moft properly His. . By Him,ycr againe,becaufe on Him harh theFatherconferred all thekmgdom~ ofthe Earth : we readeit Ffal. II. We fee HimApoc. XIX. with man1 crowntson H~ heAd. Meer then itwas, that the Kings ofthe fe~erall quarters ofthe Eanh,ihoul~rld by Him, that is Rex unwerf.eterr.e. That the Kmgs ofthe feverall Ages ofrhehv J . fuo~ld be by Him, wbo isRtx[.eCIIlorum, whofeD~minillnendMretbthriiPg ou~git