~--~-------~--~-----------=~------------~ Ofthe Gu N-P o wo & R,TREAst>». Sermon 5 , 94° Rtg;unt,Ptr /41111~. 1 Th: ~n~rance. rule with hilh• This holds in all, and in all will hold, afrertheybee~ the fiagc• .As_ic is At!ll4 inchoatm : they reigne,chatis,they come ro the Crowne,they begin theirreignes. · It is generally true; that the mainefr~meof Gov:rnmem, the firll railing of it · could be by none, but this Ptr Me. But I mfill on particulars rather : Wherein ,a ' chat ihall but weigh, what difficulties, what oppofitions be rai[ed, what plot~ a~~ praCtices to keepe Reges from regnant, thofefr~m it whofe of right it is, fhall be for. ced to confelfe, that even byRtm they havethm firfr entrance. Take him that is ne hand Salomon; and bee that ihall marke, v.t donii~h' splot, drawin~ the High-Pri:) (v.tbiathar) and the General! of the field(Ioab) mto afirongfaC!Ionagainllhim· !ball findeJ Salomon was bound to acknowledge, that Per Me became in. Orif he~ will not, .Adonijahhimfelfewill, he was forced to doe it: That the KingdomewM tNr. ned ftom him, and WM hi& brothers, for it cametmtohim (evenPer Me) !Jy the L 011 n. This confcffion of his is upon record, 1 King. 2.15. And your Majelliewas noli ignaramali ht~jm,was not altogether free from the[e: It is Engliih I fpeake. Pofiibly from Ioab you were ; but, not from v.tbiathar; His BHils, they were abroad : And fome there were that could not enter by _thedoore, butwereclimingupanother way. Yet for all the~e, you came to your wgne, and you came by the right Per, by. the doore: And, this (!know;) You are oneofthenumberofthofe Ki~:~gsrhat afcr_ibe their regndllt to this Per <.Me. This, for.v.t,1mtnihoatm: Now, they are m. 2 • But v-:hen they are in, they may out againe foone enough; when begunne, end Rtg••nt diu, qutckly; if Fer Me,_as ~ewas theCAN{ep;gcreant,foHe be n?talfo the caufeConfer· ptr,.~.,~ '. vant, and make their retgne Allm Contmuatll4; drawthelmeoutalong,keepeand Thm conunn- continue them for many yeares in it. RegnAnt, is true in the firft inllant. Onereignes; :n~"R.eg.•6·'$· if it be but a for afevennight,as Zimri reigned no longer: But what is that~ Or what hReg.•f·•l· is it toreignea:Moneth, as b Shalltlm; or three,as <Joahaz ;or (ix,asd zacbaria.-did~ ,d ~~~~·.;::J.'· Norhing :Thecontinuance,proprie loquendo, th:tt is, the reigne;'andRegnAnt without " this Per is as good as nothing. And theTextisforthis. ThewordinHebre,.is not Regnant in the Prefenc, doe reigne; but regnAbtmt in theFuture,jball reigne,or con. _tinue reigning. And fo is the Prepofition[Per] for it too. For, Per additd"r.ti•nem; addes everacontinuance, where it is added; as isevident, byperjift, permanent, per~ durablc,perflverance, perpetllitie. And this now queftionlelfe depends upon Go n alone; even theirquicke cur: tD:tn.f.t6. flob 1:z..18 , gPfal.99 H· ring off, or their long preferving in their reig;m. He can draw the line longer or!hot– ter; draw it out frill, or fnap it off. Hee can take them from their reigneby the < ha'nd-1vriting on the wall, c.ME 'l(.E, &c. He can takeicfrom themby f Solvit ballhwm Reg,.m, taking off their Collar,and geafling their throne dowm totheground. He can call in a forrenenemy, fiirreup afeditious fubjeC!, let loofethe [ea of popu– laritie in upon them; unlawfully to doe it, but to doe it though. Many fuch things are with Him. Now we arc at the maine. For, here comes all the danger: there isfuch_h~aving and lifting atthem afterthey bee in; fuchi thrufiingby force, fuch und~rmmmgby fraud: So many Per me's, Per Me clement, Cajlelt, Cates6y; and they agamefomaoy Per's, Per knives, piJ!8ll, poyfon, powder, all againfi this Perof continuance; as bethe former how it will,chey cannot but confelfe here,that Per Me it is,thatchey hold out their Rcignes. · . And, here fall's in kindly, this dayes deligne and the vi!iblePer Me, thathap· L""''"' l· .,; ned on it; For, By Him it was,and byHis mercy, char King and all were not qutt~con• fumed. Tlm your Rezgne, and your hfe werenotdeterminedbothcogether .Not pr,1. 3o. 3 • th:ityou>Vent not downe( withDavid)imo thepit; bur, that you went not up, upmt~ the ayre in (I know not how many) pieces, and that now, after thusmanyyeares, tt is Regnantwich you frill : And may it bePer UUe Regnat([oweeallpray:) and not ter uue Re"iwoaely,but, Per Meregnabit, many times, many yearesmore- Ibut '' - · put.