Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon~. o(the GuN...:P own 1t R~T R x As oH. pur youinminde here of whatl told you tight now : Irisin Me(in H~6rew) not Per N e; In Him, not by H~rn, r)10ugh never fo hard VJ Htm (for, that IS Without Him;) bur even In Him, and then they be fafe. And i'n HimYou havereigned: for He hath inclofed You (asit were) and com– paffed You on every fide. As inafortref{e, fhong hold,or place of defence; fo have You reigned inHtm : That, as Davtdofrcallerh Goo, fomay You; Your Rocke, rr.,r.,a.,;: Your Refuge,Your Sanffuary offafe.~uard: So that the enemy hath not heene able todoe P61.3.(!.>i, yott v~olencc,northe {onne of wtckednejfehadpower to h11rt Yo11. lamos 1.~. And yet, there is moreimhis Rcgnahrmt,greatcrgracqct. For we may extend it -· yet further, to a continuance, not in rhem~elves in theirpcrfo~s onlf; but, in their potleriry too. That, when tt fhallceafe With them, and they 1n thm graves, yet it {ball bee Rcgnabrmt fiill, and they reignc in their race and progenie, whemhey have done reigning themfelves. This drawes out thePerlonger :for,fo reignethe'y,many ages ; not their owneonly. Kings, in themfelves ; Kings, in their feed; Reges a [«ellloin{&mltm!,fromone generation to another. By San/,and by David,we may plainlyfee ; onething it is; to bring one tobe King, asSani was : another, to efiablifiHhc Kingdome in his line, as withD~vidit was. And it is that, he magnifieth fo much> z Sam.7. That GoD had not only brought himthitherto (totheCrowne)that was but a fmallthing :bur that alfo He had fpoken of HisServantsHoufe,in longinqtmm, for a long time; for, that is the right Regnabunt. The right Regnabunt is not that (in D.en.z.) like an Image, which vihenitis broken, nothing comes of it: But the right,is that(Dan-4-)where it is like a goodly tree that hath branches come outofthe ftcmme, which will proveSi ensand be new ~rafted againe,and fo fucceffively derive it felfe downe to many generations. This, Per Me; arid altogether by Him,and in his-hand, who can efiablifh fucceffion, as to David; and who can alfo l::iid Ieremie, Write thi5 mal' dejlilllle of children, of Him there foal! nom come mm to fit uponthe lcre~n.H:; ~ ThroneofI{rael. . - . This fol'the Continuance, Diu regnant; I will but touch the third: I wouldnof :f have touched ir,but that it is a fpeciall meanes,for thefecond,ofcontin11ance. To :Ditl, .R•g•••• "tl~ the wayis by refl.e; To rule,long, the way;to rulerighf : Nay,it isthewaytorule fj;~!,'~~ for ever: And, without Refle, the fhorter the better; better.forthem, and better for - ---- ~~~ . . Thus doth onePer fiill to another : for as it is true, Per dicit cau{dm; fo is itlikewifetrue, Perdicitregrdam. By Hirli,asacarfe; By·Him, asarr~le, from which R11!e not fwarving, there is adirect promife, Dcut.17. Ht fiMil prolonghureigne, and D<uE.!r::!~i not his alone, but even his childrens too, in the midfl of I{rael. And,by that Rule,along line !hall be drawne,for the drawing out of his reigne many yeares. And, this we need not feeke for, any where elfe; it is even in the body of the word. For ReelitudoandReffeu, and Rtfle, s ubftantivc, Adjec1ive, and Advcrbe, all come of Rego : {o clothRegula too, it felfc : That they need be no firangers one to anether; There is an alliance,and there ought to be a reciprocall reference,betweene them andRegere,and betweeneRegereand them. Erit apudreflijfimumRe:< (faithMo- Dm.n1; fes, Dertt.33.) He !hall be,as firaighr, asneare the Rule,as may be. Now,that Rule is (here)Me; andllleis wifdome ;andWifdome is the Rule which Go n Hi~felfedrawethHislinesby; AndKings, as inotherpoims, fointhis, ro beaslike,and draw asneere Go o as they may. But then,care would be liad, it be that Wifdome which is Me (indeed.) For,Achi_. tophtl's, and JerobOAm's goe forwifedome,in the world; but (indeed) {uchwifdome (as St. Iamts termeth it) is earth!), {enfo4U, andh4th fomewhat of the Devil! in it. It is iam"l·!l:! not that "'orldly wi{edome,rhey beKings ~y; but that which is from 4hove,and that (1 told yo?) is C H R 1 s T. What they are, by Him they are; That they continue, by Htm 1: IS : Who is, and will bepro iRis q11i per ilium; be for them, that be by Him; and Will not fee or fuffer the overthrow of his owne Ordinance. . And, may I not then commend Him (this Per 011e)tothem ~ That, fince they Wgne, by thatWifedome(whichis CH it xsT) theywouldreigncbythac, and by N nnn 3 no