--------=---~~~---------------------· Of the N A T 1 v 1 T 1 E. Sermon 9· 75 Now, tothechreepaniculars : and firil, concipiet. To make Him man,itis well H . k O wne there wanted not other wayes: from themold, as Adam :fromarth of jleih, ' chritl ,n n., If ··yr.H b lb b £"'b"' 35 Eve. No need t 1en, o con.ctpJet. es: or, ewas not to eman on y; ur,to e £ < c••,~i!t. thcSoJ<N, ofman; the name mthetext,Ftlttu, a~d the namethat forthe moll: part, - He giveth Himfelfe, and feemes moll: to delight in. But, Adamwas not fonnc to the [d. rlor Eve, daughter to Adam. And, a Sonne, no way but bycormpm. And, ;;•wfoever of the bodie ofman, there may engender that, which is not ot rhe fame k~de:yet by way ofconception, there commerh ofman,norhing bur man ; nothing, bur ofrhe fame nature anp fubll:ance, wi:h that, he was conceived ?f. . . This W'C are to hold: Toconwve, 1smore than ro recewe. It1s, fo to rece1v<:.", as we ye;ld lomewhat ofour owne_alfo. A ve!fell is not faid, toconcdvethdiq~or, that is put into 1t : wl~y ~ _bec~ufCJt yeeldcth notlung, from lt felfe. The bi:fTcd Yirgin, is; and therefore 1s, oeca~fe !he d1d: She dtd both g1ve, and ~kt. GIVe, of her ownc iiibll:ance, whereof Hts bod1e was framed: and take or recc1v~ pow~:-, from rheHoly Ghofl, whereby was fupplyed rhe office and the efficacie, ofthemafculine feed. This is concipiet. . And rhis word is the bane ofdiverfeherejies. That of the Manichee; that held, He had no true bodic. That hadbecnc, virgo decipiet, notconcipiet: Nor, conceive Him but deceive us. And that of theValentiniltn (revived lately in the Anabaptiff) that held He had a true bodie; but madein heaven, ana fenr into her. That had beene re;ipiet, but not concipiet: ReceivedHim file had; conceivedfi1e had nor. · ·F~om which His conceiving, wemay conceive Hisgreat!ovc to us-ward. LIJ-w, His tov;, ill fo notonely condcfccading, to rake our Nature uponHi~; but to rake it by the fame b<mg. ~vay, and after the fame manner, that we doe ; by bemgconcewed. That, and no other better befeeming way. The wombe ofthe V1rgm1s (furely) no fuch place, but He might well haveabhorredit. He did not : pudorcm exordii noffrinon rec11{avit (faithHilary-,) He rcfufcdnot that, ourfelves are aihamed of: Sednaftlr& noffr.t.contumtli& tr•nfcurrit,but,the very contumelies ofour N arure (tran(currtt is too quick a word,) He ran rhorow them: Nay, Hcll:ayedin them; in this firll:, nine moncrhs. I fay, thecontumelies of our Nature, not robe named, they arc fo meanc. So meane (indeed,) as iris verily thought, they made thofe old fleretilw (I named) and others moc (who yet yeelded Him to he man) to runnc into fuch phanfies, as they did ; ondy to decline thofe foule indignities (as they rookc them) for the great G o o of Heaven, ro undergoc. Thi,sthereforc,even this,would He have fer downe, in tcrmcs rcrminant, ofcon. cipiet andpariet. Tru!Hng, we would wifely judge of thetR, and love hnn never the . lcffc, bur the more even for thefe. Mn J>d.iimd.Tw.!§T, 07, Jld."' n.,.,.1,: Honour Him never "''~""<'"-l the le!fe, becaufe He laid downe His Honour for thy fake. No :bur,quanto i/le mintu Grr•or. JeMta., t•nt'o ego magi> debitor : the lc!fedueHe rookeon Him, the more due from me • to Him. Inaword,quant'o pro me '1/ilior,tanto mihi charior: Thelower, for me; the B•r.ml.' clearer to mee. Itbri11gs to minde King Davids vilior adhztcjam; and how G o o, ·~ Sam.6.») ~enforthar,regardcd him the more. Concipiet &pariet, roconcrive,andbring forth, 1nus, love, honour, and due regard, evenforrhem. It reaches both. This <fure) is matter oflove: Bur,camethereany good,to us by it~ There did. Oor icn·flt For,our c;onception being the root (as itwere)the very grouniill ~fournature; rhar thereby•. He rn1ght goe to the root, and rcpaire our nature from rhe very foundation, thither Jiewel\t ;that what had l?eene there defiled and decayed, bythelirftAdam; mighr, byJhe fecc,md, be cleanfed ;md fet right againe. Thar,had ourconception becne !tainll ty Htm ~ Therefore,przmrtm.mteomma, to be rell:ored againe. He was not 1dle, ah t ettmeHee was anEmbrto; all the nmc moneths, Hee was in the wombc; bur t ~'and t~ere, Hec even eat out the core ofcorruption, that d eft to our Narurc lm us, and made both us and it, anunpleaiing object, in the light ofG o D. ' • And what came ofthis~We,tha~ were abhorred by Goo,(Filiiir.e,wasourrit!e) Ephcf••. a; H :1 were,