Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon'). o(the GuN.... P OWD lt R-TR .EA s 0 N. 94-~ can come at them : they cannotdealewi~h Kings, but they mull: begin with Go o; fir{!. GamAliet's politiori is found ahd good: All~11etofight wzthGo o ,a11dthAt whi~h Alis j, 19 • ,;-of Go o :for,they cannot be fevered... . , . . ·. . . z. And,if they cannot; to fight aga1nll: Go o, to kzcke ag•tnfl thepricke, that is Ails 9 .r. folly and madndfe (I .am (~re.) Ye may return~ them all fo,r (ooles, thatgoeabouc , jr. Thatthinke with thetr dev1cesto our-reachHlm,rvho(efolly ff wiferthantheir wi(- • Cor. "'f· ifome. 0 r by theirpradices to over- beare Him, wbofe weakenej[e u Jlrongerthan their , c~r.s.i$, Jlrcllglh: Hewill be too h.ardfort~em,doe ~vhat theY,Ca~. ' . • 3· Speci~lly (wh1ch IS the th1rd) hav1ng. had ft> otren, fo certame expencnce, that they wh1ch have gone about n,!hllcomeby the worfe. For, extreme folly mull: irneeds be, to begin that, which nonethatever yet began, could bring to good endi Which, all that ever yet began, ever came themfelves to an cvill end: As, to an evill end have they come, all the packe of them. Thefe foure words have purrhem all aowne. 'l ' \. And (as it fJI!s out) this day, of this folly, wee have Exemplumfine Exemplo : 'And iri the fuccelfe thereof, may all the reil reade theirdell:iny. For, by the light of this day, ariy (thatis not blinde) may fee, that BJ a11dthrough Him, Ki11gsreigne, in rhat, hy and thro11gf1Him,they,that would have: blowen them up, are come toalh~mefull end. Blow them up,they thall not;butb!owrhemfdves downethey thall; downe, •afterCoreh,thefame wayhewem: Even to btheirownepl•ce,witbCoreh,and luq.U, N• 5 • (o theborrome of hell. That fo, itmay appeare to all the world, firicethis Per M, is '/, Aa~;: ,/h Wi{edQme, if Wifedome fer them up, folly it thal' be,in them that feeke or fer theni• felves to put them downe i to fubverr; either Reges their perfons, or Regnatheir Stares. . . . . ' Let Wi{edomethcnbejujlijiedof Tierchildren -· Andfo many, asioveFer me, love Luk• 7·l { 1 and be friends ancj take part with both their Perforls,a~d Statu. Ifthey be Fer lp(um, By Him, put our Per to H1sPer, that they maybe,hy m, too :We catinot erre(we are fure)ifwekeepthefameper,that CRI!. Is T doth. . .. . And (to conclude) letthisbee ourlafi duty : fince wee knowWhence they ~e; we knowwhither to goe; fince, By whm1 they be, to whom to repairc, if we have any bu-. finelfe concerning them. If we have agoodPrince, whom to thanlie j if otherwife; Whom toappeafe. . ' . 1 . . , • , . . . But if agood (for to that,cafe I returne) never to looke upon Him, but to lift up our eyes withal!, to this Per quem. As, to thankeHim, ,that He bath preferved him many other rimes(butfpecially and ab'ove other,this day ; hirri, and his,,that is,him and us all: ) fo,duely to pqy to Him,that Hewhich reigneth thus by Hi~ (that is,by His appointment) may fafe, and well; and lorig reigne hy Him, (that is, by His pro- ' tedion.) To thanke Him,:for Per Me rtgnant, and to,for PerMe reg-. ~abtt;that He would draw out thisper, and make it a lotigper, Per mtdtor anms. Thae ltmay ever be (as,in the: Texr,-it is)Regnabit, ll:ill; fiill,in the future, !th~Urtigne. · Shallreigrie out his owne age himfdfe,inperjQn (there isoneRegnahit.) . Shti!lteigne iti M ljfiit and off-fpring, and thatmany ages : (there is another 1/.egll•hit.) ' ' . ' ShaU ftiine, in the life of memory, and abli:lfed remembrance of his time and reigne,and thatthorow ail ages: (there is a thirdRegnabit.) . , Sh•ll reigne all thefe ;' And, beyond allthefe, there is anotheqlet,as the la(l, fO. the bell: of all; Shalt reigne, all thefeper De11m, JJy G9" ;· and, after all thefe, shall fezgne, Cum JJe~, With Go o,in the glory,joy,arid blilfe of His heavenly Kingdome; andthat perpetually : which kingdon'le fhallbave none end, but be;, s.lcu!IIS.ecul~: r11m. To which Kingdome I, &c. •