].>ROVERBS Chap. XXIY~ Filimi, &c. .94>_ Verfe 21. ~[j Sonne, fearethouthe Lord, andthei.Qng:an4 meddle notwith them that aregiven to change. 22. For, their deftruflion jhall rife foddenly: andwho k,noweth _ the deflrutlion of them both? . 231 'g"hefe things alfo belong to thewife~ q begin, this yeare, whereweleft thelall:. Theri By p!e Kings reignc ,: Now, byMe,rerum nova- Prov.s..,•; mm jlt>dioji, feditious per[ons,cometoruineand TheTm:, dejlru{/ien. For,that is the [ummeand fubll:ance .Ann••!•l! of this Text; • Ii is a fatherly advice given, by Salomon to Thqumm~of his fonne; Not tomedleor make with them that ]:heT•~•, are given to changes. And there was achange; fuch achange, as never was feene,or heard in any age, mearit andmedledin, this day. Sothefirft verfe inte'reffed in the Day. And,this is not abare advice,and nothing elfe .i bur,upon apenalty. And that penalty fer down; by way ofa prophecie. And that prophecie ful– filled, a~d that penalrieextended; thisday;roo. So,rhefecondverjelikewife. So that, thtsday,'thefir11: ver(ewas jull:ified 5 the wifedome of the Counfell, that it is Wtfeartdgoo~ : And_, this day, the fecond verfewas verified, the event of the pro– }'hCCle,th~t it IS certame andfure; for dejlruc1ion followed rhem,that followed not it. 'the