Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• --– Sermon 6, 'TheDkiji.,; Thepoititsinirare, astheverfesare, two: • Thereisanadvice, in the£ · :My Somu, feare GoDandthe King, &c. • withapm~ltieannexed in rhe!atteo:mcr: their deftruflirm fhaU arife fuddmty, &c. ' "·For, J. . There is in theadvice, 1 firfi, a kinde of tommending of it. • Then, theadvire lt·felfe. . r: !he commendation fiands fi~ll: : Fo~, Fili mi, I rake tobe acommend 41 ;, J'har It Is a counfell, aFAther would gwe to l11S fonne: And, that is no evil! one n• may be fure. Doebur call: your eye, overrhecounfells in this booke, that are ,wee with a Fili. TJ?i, you lhall finde they beede me!iore notJ, fpeciall ones, all verl;~ll worth the glVlng. , , • Theadvice~~ felfe followes : the mainc drif~whereof is, ARetentiveagain!! medling with certame perfons; perfons, fuch asthis day broughrfonh. Tofe~~ and roforbeare. Feare GoD and theKing: AndForhearerohaverodoe,ordeal:• with any fuch. It confifts of two coumerpo10ts: aFac, and aFuge. Doethis. ancl efchewthat. TheFacis,FeareGo D,andtheKing. TheFugeis,Etnmmmi/ce~~ril 0'Jted!e mt. Followone, fly the other. ' ~I~ Now, it is punilhment enough for aman, 'not to followgoodcounfell when it is given him : Yet hath Go n fo ordered, as there goeth (ever) fome'furrher evill, with the contempt of good counfdl. As, with the contempt of this there goeth apmaltie, no leffethandeftmc1ion atldmine :and that, a fudden dejlrum;, and an unknowne mine : It fi)all furprize them on tbe fuddaine : And it !hall bee'fucb withal!, as Jf!!!,i4fcit (faithSalomon) w;ho lmowes ? (thatis) '1{!] mank11owu,how feare· full. Print well in your minds thefe foure; 1 Dejlrumo11, • r~~i11e,1repente, 4 quis{dt? They bee the qt~altlor novifimaof the Text. And, for feareof thefe,fem tomedic with thefe fpirits. So Sa!omon fits here,asa Counfe!!otlr; and,as aJudge. ACounfeUour, to advife: A Iudgc, to pronounce. Heare his counfell, then: If not; heare your fentence. And choofe which verfe you will be in. There is no fcapingthem,botb. In oneof them wemuflbe,all. Eitherinthever.feof coun[e/1: Feare Go n andtbeKing,&c. Or, in the ver.feofpenaltie: For,tkcirdd/rrtmon, &c. 11 I. Thelhmtingupof all, is,H«CfjiiDfjflC {apientiGeu :(SoreadeittheSwenty,wich this verfe ,) And fo, the Fathersall: And not,as now it ftandeth (with tbcverjifol· !owing.) The meaning is: that, this is no counfell, for foo!es: No manfo wi.fe,che wifeft man that is, it may well become him to take it. Commonly, they, that medle in thefc matters, want no wit; arewife, at leaft in their owne conceirs : therefore(fay the Seventie) 7riitr~9 ,;;,..;1"-'"''-,.;,..,; You, chatchinkeyou are, and would bee taken for wife, toyou be this fpoken. 1. ~-· will fpeake ~fewwords, oftheeommendation. Fi!ime:ItisofaFather, tohis ,.h, Advi" · Sonne. Trueand hearty is the counfdl of aFarher,to hischi!de. 1 The c,,.. The very force of natural! affeCtion fo whetting rhe wit, aso~,.evena fimplc ~~:~:~~o• man,will give his childe,no fimple advice,but found andgood. But,1f 1t h~ppen not FromaF.,btr. alwayesto be of the bell:, it is the bell he had, you may befure. There might wane braines';tbegoodhearr of aFather was not wanting. . . r. . Andhc,.ifc. To fupply rhat wanr,I aske fecondly,whoisrhis Father~ Ifinde,that It 1ss~r mon, that fpeaketh. One,famous for hiswifdumeamong thcfons of men. One,\ e to give good counfell, worth the following. And yet (I know not how)theyra:~