. ~ 94 s Ofthe GuN~POWDER ...TREASON, Sermon 6 , ~~---------------- !o!_mz_o.3l· &Theircon. jundionin Timt. b The All. FeareGOD. GOD,A•a tht I(!11g. !-lobn 5·~~ nought, that our SAvI o ua CH • IS'r faidofthis Scriptureinpani~ potejf folvt Smptttra. Not, ~ndijfolvt : but, nonfolvi. Dijfolvi, the knorlo~on qm:e; b~tfolvt, not made more loo~e, odlacke, th:mHcleftit. One is 0 ofeo ed the)oymng; theotherj to the neere )oynmg ofthem. Not to doe it ourGeplpve .d to d h h · b · N ' s.Jnd not to en ure t em; t atare tampen~g a out Jt. or the Anab•ptift, that would out Et regem, cleane. Not other (little better) that put it out and put it in attrt pleafure; aKingor no King; to befeared, ortofeare : fall: orloofe. to joy~e 0 leu: fr.and aloofe (as it were in oppofition,the whole heaven in funder:)Timete l!.ll" ~ho Aaufative I or Timete'Reges therocative, as fals fitte!l: to theirturne. Neither to' en: dure them, that ~vould dtffolv~ lt cle_ane : Nor them, that would fainellackenit, to · the end, to wring or wedge math1rd betweeneDeumandRegem. No;lmhem fiand; and fiand, as they ?e left: unloofed, unl<?ofened, Deum& Regem. They that fall to be changm(afrer)m the Text, begm thetr change (ever) at this; at tranfpo– fing, or interpofing fomewhat, betweeneDeutn& Regem. Therefore, looketo this well. This, for the fir!l: conjunction interfe, betweene themfelves. Theaarethey joynedagaineinaliqunertio, in a third: Time. Why· in7'imtl" Indeed,?ur SA v ~ ou_a. CH 11. x ST's f<!£« C4aru, ismoreampleagreatdeal~; many thmgs con~amed tn1t, be~des. Of ~hofe many, this is but one; but, this . is one. And this O!le (here) 1s made chotce of, becau[e it falls littel!, to thepur; ~tn~~ ' - The purpofe is, to rel!raine frommedling. Now,feare is more rel!riClive, than hono11r,or any ofche re!l:. The Philo{opher calls it ~;l'g. ~v<TI~,, the pallion, that holds (as it were) the reines ofour nature,to checke us,and keepe us back,from that which is hurtfull ;to which (other-while) we are but too inclinable. As namely,thereis ~ JPirit inus: and that f}irit (faith Saint lAmes) lttfts afttr envie: Andenvieis,at ourSu-, periours, toward whom (even thefupreme!l: ofthem)men {land not(alwayes) info good termes, as were fit. Nay, fo farre forget themfelves, fometimes(witnelfethi~ Day) as they fall to r:hAnge; changewith awitneffe, changethem intoafues; put fire to them, and blow t~pKing, and all. HereneedsaRetemive: Feare,isfitforthat.. :Chereforeitisfeare: Feare G.o o andthe King. . Of[ feare Go o] welhallfooneagree,that he is to befeared: I wouldto Gofii wewo!lld, wtthas-greataccord, agree eo doe it, as we will eafilyagree, it is robe done: that fo, it might be\vith us, as with holy I oh ir was, rt timor nofler,[punl}lr4, from our fe.re migbt grow our hope; the true hope, when ~ll is done. Even th<t, which rifeth fromfeare, which makes us refrainerodoe evill,and fo breedsin us,the hope ofall hopes, the hope of agood confcienee. But (eare Go o is not all. Et Regem,Andthe King: him wemul!fim, tov.In 1i>ater and bloud(faithSaintl~hn:) mtinwateronly, butin 11>ater andblond. So here: G on and the King: not Go o alone; but Go oaiJdthe King. 1'{gn (ll}firit 111111111; cportet utmmque fieri, in Copulativi;, .. . . Hence rifeth the fecond conjunction. As before of Go o, and the Ktng : fCJ lJerenow,oftheftareofGoo, andthe feareofthe King. And eventhefamebe·. nigne afpedthat is betweene.Go oand the King, the fame is.rhere betweeneth~ tWo feare~: the very lame, every way. ~ They be CJ<•7•, compatible (as we fay in Schooles:) theywill frand together, goe together, hold together, well. They hinder not one the other. By rlhheg 1 race of Go o, we may doe both. Both, be regallandreligioustoo. Wee al not flare tbe King awhitthelelfe, for jeari11g Go o :Nor (vir;ever{a) GoD the leffe, for fearing the King. . of Nottheleffe~ Nay,themorc. For, they be not onely C.i;>T<,butC•''""""' 0 . onely) ajoynt and muruall conjiffenrebetweene them, but ajoynt andm~tua_llll~ .flance,cirherof other. Notonely,nothinder,butfurrher; nor endure, ut~ u~ one the other. So that, that which is (here)Et Deum; is(clfe-where) Propter lfl ' And not onely with Go o, but forGo o, wefearahe King. . ·s·c .. And, rhou£hRer,em fiand lafr, be (as wee fay) tllt~mn~n_ if!. ~J!_t'JifiMt, Y~~c:e