Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

(here,in this place)prim~m in intentione: Thefe~uell fhewes ir; For,when he comes to the Et ne (marke it well) the point ofoppoficion; He faith nor, Medle not with ir– reliaious perfons, Atheifls, fuch asfeim not Go n (fo he fhould, ifTime Deum had bee~e principallymeant:) No, but Med!e not, with theSeditiom. Now, they (wee know) are moll: properly oppofire, to theKing. The fearp of G o .o hath elfe-where his chiefe place, many rimes and oft. Bur, here, Time Regem isprim.- intentionis, the very marke, all this Text levelsat. . Then, why is it not Time Regon and no more adoe, andleave our TimeDeu 1 n quite; For, what harh Goo to doe here, in matter ofthis kinde, ofSedztion? Nor fo: There isreafon, Time Dcum J110uld be in, and firft in. In the point of Allegi– ance, lice that will lay his ground fure, it behoveth hirn ~as Grrgory fpeaketh ) ar– &ejfererhJIJmFidelitati;, defvnte pietatis, to draw downethe ftreame of .llegi•nc~ from the true condtlit-head of it, the feare ~f Go o : If, thence it come not, it is 111inm ha6ens, not as it fhould be. For, if it be right, Time Regem is to come, out of Time De11m. 949 Marke this method well: to have Reg4flduties rightly feded, he goes up as high Bur; {ttrl Ooil as G 0 D ; beginnes with Time Deum, the fiare if G 0 D, And, thither wee .fuLl, mull:, if wee lhall goe foundly to worke. It is notthe Common-Law, or any All of Parlia~tjent, that breedsTime Regun, kind!J. Ifourfeare to the Kiflg, be taught us by the law ofman, it is nOt yet upon his true bafe, his right corner-flom. To Divi. nitie wemull:; to this Booke, the Booke ofche feare ofGo o ;if it be rig!1r,ground it'rhere. And, ifthat might rake place, there fhould need no law elfe, tu ft1ftaine or preferveKings or States. . . . . . . . . ., . Set this downe then for a rule: that; r,here is no Surer frierid, no Surer fray tci Kings, and their rights, thanTime Dei•m (thatis) true Religion. And fee downe this \virhit: that, it is a furefigne ofagood Religion, if it will joynewith Time.J.I.egem– (chedutietothePrince)well. For, ifirbearrue Til?'e Dmm, idhengthcns Time, · .Regem; it weakens it nor. . . . _ , And on rheother; that it is an infallible dote of abad one i if either it fhciulde( !heKing from Go o, orlhrinke up the finewes ofcivill obedience. _ . . Bur, if it make Time Deum, toblow upTime B.egem ;make theCatholikefitith,ro overthrow the Catholikefeareof Go o (for,both I rruft, bealike C4tholike;) ifthey. perfwade men, thatthe King, arid the whole Parliament mull: up, or the fe.~re cf Go o cannot fiand : they are out ofthis Text quite: they are cleane befide Time• De,.m, as it was inSal•mons time :teach'anewfeareif Goo, falfiy fo called, with: our this Booke altogether; . Bur, whatisbecomeofTimeRegem, with them~ Sure, they that fea;enor, to blowup the King, I will never fay,they (elm the King: they that put men, intheiQ Amphitheatrum Honoris, nay, in their UUartyrologie, or Kalendar ofUUartyrs, for !lot fearing ro attempt it; it isa Llrange feare, they teach; Indeed, rather Time Rex~ thanTime Regmii . " . . . . , . , And, another fotr there is, nor come fo farre; with whom (yet) Time Deum&' .ll~gem is not, asir would be: that feare(Ikriownot how) as if the feareof tlte King dtd abate fomewhat, from the feareof Goo; arid there were no true (tare o(G o "• without fome mixture of contempt of order and government. Bur, ifone cangrow fomewhar bold, fomewhat too bold with Kings, rei reach them their duties; and ... feare·nortoJleake eviUoffiech ti1 are i1i at1thsritie, rheti (loe) he feares Go o aright•. Iqdo ~" And, noneofrlie Clergiefeare.i Go i>; bm they that ufeir. -Nor hone ofthe Laity, bur fttchas beare rhein in it. Andrhefe two are the onely Feare-Go o's in the Land. Others, thatthinke, they may doe both, and would gl~dly doe both, may !lot be allowed tofeare G o _D on the right fafhiori ; They feare the face of man. And I<«llt· '·~" thu~, with their n,ew feare 6[GoD, rhi:y put out ofcountenance thefeare oftbe King. ,______ As1f, thefe feares cafiout one another; and one could not be in at rheformer,buc of n 1 ecellirie, he mull: be out at the later. What is this, but to make a disjuacrive (at the ._ealt) betweenethem~ . ~ 9_()o~ lM