Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

95:Z. Ofthe GuN~POWDER,TREASON, Sermon 6 : For, being there with him; rhey mufi doe as hedid. lull: themedleyo~ rifm, and lo~risDif~iples. . . . it- 'Or t.ak~·lt> ;>frheplot it fdfe•. In it ~\fo, fuch amixtul·e there is; for,tlie wa ,not fome ghll:'ermg pret~n~e~, as. tr wereafal{eligbt, call: on the plor. But,go[tor~t bottQme ofu,and there tt ts Calzgo tenehrhmm, the very ·dungeon ofdarknelfe· de ··• well, fo; as.being wrought in a darke cellar, under ground, by theConnes of Erbn i in tire skirts of Erebru itfdf&. 1 "'• 3 , .)! c: . Or, l?bke to the carri,:g,e,ofit: therc)lhall you pl.a'inlydifc~ver,a very blendin ' oftz~ht withdarknejfe, of r~e oath ofG o e, wtth the worke of theJhwU: the s! Ap".'· 17·1~, cramcnt ufirg:odlmdfe, with rHe·,.,yflerte10•the Whomforehead, of all abominAtion. f rhe looftng-.from lelfer fi.~nes, with the bi'_'ding to a greater. Malhing to<>erher h'oly duties, with lewd prachce5;··and not mlngltng, but cimfounding·oatheJ, ~acrammtr 4bfllutions, with the workcs of EreflJ or Erebta, ofthe hlltCicneff~; and of the dark: nelfeof Hell it felfe. , _ . .,. ; J • • Thetx.<ll' · .. Now,ofrheEx}ent: MeillenoL Howmanywayes mayone-be, orbefaidio ot ir. be amedler! That may hee many wayes-; as many, as one may be parraker ofan– 'King.r.7• other mansJ!nnes.\ I :By.Jiting a r:bampionor leader forthem; as 16.b toAdowij•/, • King.••·•· z. By being Sf~kef~~tllorXYcaror f~rrpem;as ImbMm, to his crue. 3• By blowini • tpetmwJtet,·ammacmg them; fernogtbem on; as Shebaro hts. 4 ~y giving them •S•m.• 6 ·"' lhrewdadvice, how to m~~a~e their matters; as did Achitophe! eo Ab(alom. 5 • By , King •.7• fnymg Majfe;praymg (orthelr fuccelfe: that was all, ·:Abtathar could doe. 6. By ·~ ~~:::·.·,~:; . bruiting i,nfam-ous. Cp~ecb6S'or'libds o.f.David: :hat w~sall,rhat s hemd. 1· Byhar, 4 bourmg., or re"CeiVlllg ni'l<nrr~as the CmeAbeldtdSktb•,and lhould have beene fackcd fo.t it. · 8, By futnilltlng them with money orf"Pfllyts otherwife, (as it might be, ludg.9.4. contributing ro ·the powde.r:) as of Siclmn, to Abimilech. 9. By char, Prov.u.... which Salomg" ~:allerh <b~ndIn hand, thatis, digging with thepickaxe, co-operating with rhem,in theYAtllt. Io. B:y being (ifnor parry, yet)privleco ir,and nor oppo– •5'""''·9· fing ;·as D.svidh.adlbeentto'Satll's death,lf he had not hinderedAbijl14i: Non objlans.' !lfihc 0 '·~·· • II. Or, at the ldfl:, priv.i'e·,andnotdifc!6{i"g it ;which had beeneMArdocai'r Cilfc, if he had concealed rhe .EtmMch:s treafon: NmmAnifes1.ans. 12. And Jail:, (which I tllke,ro be full out as bad,ifnor rtmch \vorfe than any ofthe ret1) by/}e•kingorwri· tjng, in praife or defence, either ofrhe deed or rhedoers;rheircafe,N<~m.I6.47·callingC€reh, ahd his company, thepeople ofthe L oR n: for fure,ifrhe&Unflni'trbein 1 thecommender much more. All rhefe make up this medley. To thefe, or any of rhefe, >veil may it be faid, Ne commifce.tril. Now I know, degrees there be, in mixture; more or lelfe: bur, hete•is no degree. Onely, Necommi{cearil, fimply. Not, in no great quantity: bur, not inrh~ leafi fcruple, not at all. ranke po.ifon; the leafi drop of it is deadly; Never fo little is too much. Therefore,'abfolutely, 'N:.§ cDmmi{tearis; Medlenot withrh~mat all: not with abfG>lving them, not with giving them rhe oath, nonvith praying forrhem; above all, not wirh offering the unbloudyfacrijite, for fo bloudy a rreafon. Iacob's counfell · G•b·H·6. is bell:: In tonfilium eorum ne venial anima ttl4, not to come once among them. To fo• ptira1e your felves ftom the tentJofCoreh, touching whom, you know, what Go" Nun~,'-~: •6. gave in charge,and what Mo(es prodamed, .Away from them,csmenotrmrethem~tgu:b It. :rbe J'tM~it. • '!ot any tking tbat is theirs. It is infeCted; they have theplague; ifyou medltwtth tr, 1t wtll bnng you to tlejlruffton. So are wecometo the fecond Verfe,to thepmtilty. And,ir isnot morethanneeds: 1. Forfm'e,evengoodcounfellemersbudlowly imous (wearefodull,) 1f lthave not an edge given it: be hot feconded with fome forcible reafon,to helpe tt f?rward. •· Now,no reafon more forcible,or ofberter edge roemer us,rhanth~r,whtch tsra– ken froin the feare offome'grear mifchicfe ormaine inconvenience,whtch wtll fme{Y take hold of us, ifwe take not hold ofthe cG>uqfell. 3· And, as none morefowb f~