Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 6. OftheGuN~POWD&R-TR.&ASON. f ononemore fit forthe prefem counfdl: It is, tofearc. Now, to induccfure, what waY more fit, than to fer before us, fome matter ofrerrour, fomefearefull objeCl: or confequent, it will bring us to._ And what more feare_full, than ofall the fivefeare– frdl things fet_downe by t~e Phtlo(opher,themoftfearejt~!l(that IS)the feare ofdeath.? This~ Why It wo;kes withheafts, and even with the dulle!l' ofthc_m 1 B•laam'sbeaft ; Num.u:ilj jj 11 rre him,jlrikeh1m, Jay on lumWlthafta_jfe, ye fi1all never get !urn to run uponthe Angels[word, upon h1s owne death ;thatfi1all ye never. Sure, we are ro thmke: His Jirf! Commandemeor G o_o headed with the beft head, He had; and that was Mme mprierh·. He thought it the fure!l:, and moft likely to prevaile. And, ifany thin<> hold us, this will. Ifyefeare neither Go o,nor King ;yerfeare this. " r• .Bur yet,ifwe weigh the word [dejlmCJ'ion] thereismorein it,thandwh. To 1 dwh we mull: all come; but this, it will bringyouro anuntimely md. Not fall ofVtf/rum-.. yourlelfe; but deflroyed .-evenplucked dowrJe, agreat while before youwould fall. z. Nay, nor it is not untimely death, neither: there is moreinitthan fo (– ftr~~Ciion.) All that die before theirtime, arc not deftroyed: Go D forbid. No : there goeth fome evil! touch, Come iliame, Come foule uncouth end (ever) with it; that is it, that makes it deflruBim. :5. But what mannerdejlmc1ion ?Some may ber(/fored, and built againe : This 2 is ad rtlinam (that, is added in the latter part ofrhe Verfe)romine: So that, never N,y,ruint; built againe; never repaired more: that is, toutter deftrumon. 4· And yet, there is more ftill, for, thefe rwo, (' rrtine, and > deJfruClion) they be not ufed ofa perfon, properly: bur, as the word gives, ofanhPtt{e, or ftru– Cl:ure. Adde this then, that it will be therttineand plucking downe, nor of your felfe alone, bur ofyour houfe too. And (indeed) how many great Hou(es have beene rui~ nedbyit ~ Then, if this will not hold you frommedling; that it is aftnne, a double finne; againftbothTables; that it is a finne ofprifumption: ifthis will not; let this, tbatir is -dejlruflory, a dejlroying finne; one of rbofe finnes, that followes them, that medl~ with it, hard at the heeles, and never leaves them, till it have brought them to de– f/ruc1ionandutterr11ine: them, and their whole Houfe, it eradicates; it pulls all up by the roots. Sinm it felfe is aNimium : yet, is there aNimium, in finne too, o he not over wicked([aith the Preacher) he not too toofooli)b,fo very wicked, (o ovcr-fooli)h,as to , ilJOrten your ownc dayes, to make you die to!Jpore non fuo, before your time come: yea, to bcdeftroyedutterly,you, yourhou(e and all. Sure, ifthis come ofit, he bade you not feare, for nought• - . " Nay,rhis is not all; he goesfurrher. OfaliRetentives,feare; ofall feares, the ofdeath ;death, anddeftmc1ion. Now, of all dejlmtfions, this: (for, all de!l:ru– Cl:ions are nor ofone fizeneirher: Come more fearefull, than other.) But this, this is no common one: it bath two attendants, ro make it morefearefull than the ordina– ry .ieflruCJ'ions, orvifit•tionsofother men. The former two; as it weremanacles for the hands;'nor to have a hand in it : Thefdatter, as fcttersro the feet; not to-goe about it. Butfiillitrunnes upon tWo; as irwere, one forthe King, anotherfor Go o fiill. This is the firfi : Their dejlmaion, it Jl;atl rife {udden!y. Every word bath his ~ weight (if you markethem.) It ]ball rife.' fitly. For, SeditiPn, wee call it arijing: And <h•t,fo<: one riling, He puniilieth with another. Rife, iris; not Surzet, but con{urget: as early dtoiJ, up, rife as foone, as the Slnne it felfe. From the firftmoment offinne, their deJ!mai. on: rifes with it,followerh it at the heeles ; is fiill hard behindit; ifthey could looke backc, and fee it, iris not an inch from them, ' . ..z. Rife, and rife (uddenly. Let-de4th comefrulden!y upon themat unawares (it is Da. Pfal, H;,f] 'Vtdsprayer:) and fo ]ball it come (it is Salomons prophecie:) come, ab improvifo, breake forth, and furprize them in aveiy fudden. Fitly,this too: Their meaning was, to !1ave difpatched all ?~a fudden: As foone as thepaper hurne, rh_epowder$oe off. O!!_lc~e and fudden furpnzmg therefon:,doth bell: befit them: the pUiiuiliment,toeve~ rypomt comes borne to the finnc. · 0 o o o ~. ' 3• St1ddm