954 And<~rn>lly Ztruinaln tiJ– rNOJ fNis[cit? i Cor.t.,. Ofthe GuN~Powo E R... TR EASON, Sermon 6 , 3· Sndde111chings confound,and aretherefore the more fearful!. Fir,~ Thele would have brought all to confujim (what a confulion had there beeg ne; day() Meet therefore they lhould be ama-zed with thefuddennc!fe ofthe br:kthls out; and the confulion they meant, fall upon their owne foulcs. mg . . 4· But, whatmannerofconfujion·l Thew?rdhe~fesin Hehrew, lheweththat• It IS properly, thecMfH[wm they are m, that are 111 a th1ckemifl or f•gge· that ft • they have beene a while in it, are they know not where; and when they~ome'~ e} it, finde themfelvcs where they never meant to have come. to This fits !ikewife :In aMi.ftthey walkt;carried their matters mill:ily: and at! (!,. loll: themfelves in it: In~arlenej[e they deliglutd (darke iw•l!s,darke cellors) and d~k~ TJeffe fdl upon them for tr. ~ndwhen they were out of theu dark 'tfault 1 found them. felves in adarkepri[.n; winch they little thought everto have come io. It doth.very well (this fuddermej[e) fee out eo us, c_hecourfe a~d carriage ofthis linne. It Wlll_fl:mer one, and draw h1m on, agreacwhde. All thmgswillfeem.efo fubtilly contrlved, fo cunmnglycarned, fo fecrecly kept,and fo long; commonly till the very time, it lhould be done in : And then, evenona(ndden, all breakesout. ~nd thac,firangely ; and all the goodly cobweb,that was fo many monethsinfpinni~and weaving, comes me abroome, and in a minute fnaps it downe and dell:royes it quite. thecob1veb, and theJPider; theplot it felfe, and the a11thor and all. To have theimca: fon kept in, fo many proroguings ofthe Parliament;thcirceUar,Co fidy chofcn. their !owder,[ofafcly laid in,and fo well couched 1 and all in a readinelfe: and rhen;~.;1,.,, 10 amghr,fuddenly to have all come forth, fo firangely; and all their long confulta– tions and often deliberations qualhed all, in'a moment ! Their dejlm8iPn jhallrifi fuddenly,thisisthe firfi. . But this is nothing to the other,Et ruinam ePrum IJUMfcit l That, that is thefear– full one, indeed. For,norhing fo fearefull;as that, a man cannottell what tomake of it. WhB knowes their ruine l Wk# knowes l thlt is, n#man lcnowes. Good Lord ! what might that ruinebe,that liP man lcnowes l No mim fmowes? Why,doe we not allknow; what it is they fuffer, that come to this dejlrullim? they are llrawne, banged,&c. we all know it. It is rather, quis ne{<it !'thanquis fcit? (this)onewouldthinke. No: lP.!f,isfcit l (faith SAlomon) And he knew well what he faid•It is unknorm; their mine: what thenlhall we makeofit ~ Sure; no deftruflion, here. All here,the worll: is knowne ofthem. It mull: be fome orher-where,in fame other world, than this. Andfo it is. And that is q11isfcit? indeed: That,nlman kNowes. For;itisastru. ly faidofchepainesofHell, as ofthe joycsofHeAven,qNis flit? Eyebath notfeme, nor care beard, nor bath it enteredintltheheart of 1tiATJ, what, or how great they be: rhe one,not fo joyfull, but the orher as dreadfull: Ynknpwne, both: .fP.!!,isfcit? equal• ly m:e ofborh. For, ~m1flit, niji qui Accepit, no man knowes them, but they'chat be in them. And it were well, when theymedlefirfi with it, they would bethinke them of this. If a man might know before-hand, it were this, or it were that, or it were '?e know not what; then it were noc fo fearefi11l.Bl1t q11isfcit l goethbeyond all conwr. But they do,e, they know not whAt: and fotheyji1fer, they knPw not what. Themea• ning is : they perilh here, they perilh everlafiingly : that thisdejlrilllid11 is mrn#ll ile· ftmllion, andno other. . . . . , And indeed,thc latter word lheweth as much :wh1ch ts not every rnJne,but (pro· perly) theruine, or fall into ajrt< it is taken from "I'll~,that is; a jgrni»g fre·Drand. This alfo is fit: Fire they meanc,and they end infre; even in Hell-/ire, For_; fo IS the nature ofthe word; and fois theHebrew proverb upon it,l1'"111 H~ "1•aS :Ins aruzne, from which there isnoredemptiin. It is a f•U, or r11ine,fromwhencenon{tng.A(aU, into thehottomle!Je pit, into the.furnaceth~re: ifthey once come there, they never come thence. So, it comesfudden!y; but, it!ights heavily. They know not, wh 8 endt ·· comes· but, wheniccomes, itpayeshome. Whe11 themi.ftbreakesup,they qe themfelves among the fire-brands there.And_ifnothing elfe will,let this move thj~• Andutriufquewemay not leave out. lt IS added, to make fure worke. For, had