Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

I Mica3.10. Ofthe GuN~POWDER~TREASON. Sermon 6 • But then, how fJ:all wee doe with the latter :verfe ?_ Forthat, t'<~ke no thou ht : where hetels you (thlsSalomon) ofdljlmc1ton,ltiS nothmg fo: On with yourJe .fer-plotnotwithftanding. You !hall be fo farre from this (he te!s you)that ifouof" come to theplot or you, otherwife than we wil11, it !hall be nodtjlmtlim; ~o, b~t~ holy martyrdome, And qrey {ctt? who knowes the bletfcd ellate you i11all comet by thefe meanes ~ Bur, UUartyrs you ihall be firaight upon it, in print: And"~ lworves, whetherthere may. not be wrought ajlrarv-miracle, to confirmc as much if need be ~ , But to put you deaneouto~doubt, for your medling : you !hall have of.usrhc Fathers oftheSocietietomedle 11llt,as well as you; to make up this holymedleywith you. To confef!eyou, toabfolveyou, tofiveareyou, to kq11zle you, to fay t.Maf!e for you, and tokeepeyourcormfellinall ~oly _eq11iv~cation. You fee, what worke wasmade; how the matter was ufed w1th tl11S Scnpture when time was :how the Fathm ofthe Societie tooke this Father by the beard,and aftromed him and his counfell, in every parr ofit. . · . What !hall we fay ofthefeSonnts, and thefe J:athers ~ Sure, their Carholike faith we will nor medlewith; bur, whatSalom~n faith, we may be bold rofay and pronounce, Feare of Go n there was none in them : neither inthefarher, norlnthe fonne. Neither in rhem, that gave the counfell; nor in them, that tookeit. None of them, Go n's fervants: Bim, theyfearednor: None of them, Salomonsfonnes· him, they heard not. ' But,ofthe twaioe,the fathers ,that gave the counfell,fartethe wurfe: who, what Salomon termes dejlrtiClion, that turned they intoed'}ication: and, what he r11i11e, that changed they intoexaltation; &gloriam tltrit~[qree qr<i•fcit? A llraogechange : that, , now become glorious, that, before thefe dayes, was ever damned as dctelbble! Changm right: changeStates, andchange Churches, fo long till theych•nge Divini– tieand all; fer up a new feareof Go o, a fearefull one to lOngs and to Kingdomes ; and that had like, this Day, to have coil: many a thoufand mens lives. And needs there not a retentive, when thefe coine fuch motives ~ when thar,' which by Father Salomon (here) is fo ll:raightly forbidden, is jull:ificd, nay, is(ane?i– jied, andglorified, by thefe v!nti-patm, Anti-Safomons, Anti-greater.than.Salomon :. chey ~ Well,looke to the end. See, what became of thisfanctified Sedition. Sure; here SAlemon was in the right : reade their delliny truely. For, furprifed they were, and blacked all of a frtdden; and that, jlrangely; and carried away ll:raight to their utter mine: Andtheirrllinewhe knorveth? Not their ruine here, orfJU from the ladder; but a greater mine, and into a deeper place: How low, into what to:– ments, qui• (cit? (ff.ithSafomon) and fo fay I. Their end (here) wee faw : r~e1r end, who knorves? Or, how they hang in hell for it ~ And all, for norfollowing this advice. To draw roan end: their ruimweknow noi; that, isqrei.ffcit? But,by their ruin1; who knorvu nor; that is, qw! nqcit? For, all men fee and know, how highly thefe medlingsdifpleaie Go n, who hath fo many wayes, fo ftrangely, both of old and of late, and ftill cloth rell:ifie to the world plainely,His deepe difiike of them: that a wonder it is, that (fril!)there are, that dareadvemure upon them;fave rh~r, Go "• for want of His truefearc in their hearts, fuffers this eflicacie of errour, this firange delution to befot them. But, let them take this fromSalomon; that, toties quoties, fo oft as they feeke to /mild Sionin bloud, [o ofr !halltheir buildingend in deffm8ion : and fo oft as they rife to that end, they !hall rife to thcir rt~ine :·fathers, and fonnes, and fonnes-fonnes, to the end ofthe world. But,we (Beloved) who have better learned to feare Go o(l trufi)ifsalom.on fl1all acknowledge us for his fonncs, or Go o for His{ervants; ifwe will be thechtldre~of M;ifdome,let wifdome be jt~flijied ofher children. Let us doSalcmomhehonour,ro rhm~ himwifeenough, to give us counfcll. And fince,we fce,heis proveda!ropbet, ~ot