nota word ofall this Text isfallm to:he ground; that frranae examples there have beene of it, aad that; ~an~ ; and thts d~y ,oneExemplumflneexemp/ 9, an Example perfe, a matchle!fe one,m thts ~m~e: Havmg thefe before our eyes,and having in re• mfmbrance the foure~~~vifzmam the Text, 1 Dejlrlffltbn, •mzne., l repent'!!, and '4 quisfctt• L_et us feare thofe foure,i,:md fearmg them,perfill: as we have done, hitherto, 10 thefeare ·ofGooanii the Kmg; and ever[care,to have to doe (lt to iieltlewithth~m, that feare neither. So I pray Go o_, we may; and rhat this may be the.fruit, even ourfruit. And, '·bliftjng ..;1~ upon that, hath beene fpoken, that we may live and dre Tirnentes Deum& ll.egem, everpur~ from this mixti1re : and fo Goo make Vs all. {'4**) .. ''''''''"*''tt.ttttttt ·.