Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

I .A SERMON PREA~ CHED BEFORE TH;E ICINGS M. :Ar:Es·~- IE N~ vvHITF} HALL, On the V- of ~:'pember, .;{11. 'Dom. MD c xv, PSAL. CXL V. V.E a. IX. Sua'l1zs .DdM INusuni'l1erjis: & Miferationes Ejus fuper omnia opera Ejus. J The L o R n is good to all : and His mercies are uwr aU His wor{es. ~ Jii&:~=:5c~S:\i:;:::~~~H~N yeares it is now, fince our memo: rable ddivery, as upon this day : And wee here to celebrate, not the v1nniver: f•ry onely, but the Decenna!ia of it. Now, in numbering, it is well known,, that; at ten, weebeginneanewatrh~ fi. gure of one; wee returne againe (ever) tothefirfi. So doe we now. For, this was the firfi ; Mifericurdi" Do"' IN I. {t•peroperaeju;, . , Wee lhall never forget It, fo ma– ny of us as then heard it, that it was the firfi, that it was thought Gand that, A11thore magno) to bee the fittefi theme of all, wherewith to beginne the firlll . Iolemne thankefgiving of all, for the great Mercie of Go o, and for the great Worke of that Mercie, this Day, lhewed upon us all. Tothisthenthefirll: (every way, thefirll:) maylcravepardon, top~tto my poore cipher, and make lt ten, this tenth yeare. So, as it was thejirftj111ts, tt may be the tentiJ. So, they may be, as they lhould be, Primili 4 & Decim.e de egdem, both out of one and the fame. · - ·· re