tv. Ofthe Gu N~P 0 w DE R- T R 1!. As 0 N se---;;;;-:,: Tho[eMtrcies ofHit, here [aid tobeaver all Hit w~rlw, havebeenebver~ trpon 110, in LX XX V I I I. aridmanyothertimes: bur, abovea[[ othermo;{f{'"'· bly, this day; this day, ofall dayes. And that wtth fuch a S11per, in fohigh e~gree,in fuch,fo great aMercy, Cogreat aworkeofMercy, as great as ever was an a• t Saving [o great a number,from fo firangeand unheard ofa cruelty; by a-Me Y r. n peromnitt (I may fay;) from acmelty, Super omnia(l ~mCure.) rcy,;uThenlafl:ly whatwearein&t~perto Go o,forthJsSttper. Where 'Ofth S' perr1p1n the head of all Go o's Workes,for thefe His Me:cie.i tbus •v<r ;hem.' lna· ofall HisWorkes; anda_bov~ them all, ofthe Stiper remammg ttpm our heads, fordi: verfe befides,but forthls Day an.d th1sWorke, St~peromma ; Above allthe Dayes ever faw • Abovealltheworke.i,Heever wrought for us. 'we And: it is the tenthyeare, this; And, naturally, Decuma11tt funt gra 11 diora A Jluflm decr1manm, a1eepejloudit was, had like ~o have gone over o?r fot~les .- A~d a Mifericordtadecum4nA, AMercy ofa large fize lt was, that made, tt went not then. That we performe thenLat1des DetunW<a<,greatpraifeand large th4nku, now this .Anno Decimo, Come way anfwerable to the greatneffe ofour PeriU, and to rhe great– neffe ofthe Md·cy, that m~deus fo wellpafle tt. The numbers offlvenand ten are not without their weight. TheSeventh, theSAbb.tth -·TheTenth, G 0 n's part. Both wayes, a_sthe Sabbathday,as theTenth yeare, facred to Go D is this D~y,and our dr1t1e upon tt. r; Mlfericordi,eD 0 M r :N I; Mifericordi<t. To lo'oke into the nature oftlie \vord (lf the words Mercy : It is befi conceived,by the objefl,andby theAc1. Mercy hath for her ~j'dcr. d' objd! circtt quod, her matter and metall towork upon, Mifery: the bell vcr. :r;,:'~:;,;;.: t~~e, the worfi objeEI ofall. It is notfo pbine (this) in our Engliih word [Mercy]ls · in the Latine [ Mi{ericordia] for, there, is mifery full out at the length. Vpon tllis objec1, the proper AEl of Mercy, Mi{eratio, as the Fathers reade thi~ Text: Mi{ericordiais the Habit ;Mi{eratio, the Afl, which is nothing elfebutMifiri. eodia eliqttata, that which runnes fromMercy,at the melting; the AEl that relecves us ofmifery, and all the degrees that lead ro it, mce.fities, impotencies, defeEis, dijlreJ!es, Jangers, and whatfoever would make our cafemiferable, more or ldfe. To releeve thefe, is theAc1: and (this youmufl:take with you) without merit, to releeve them. The oppofition, thechurchmakes, in diverfc her Col!effs, Non noj/rt~ meritis,fedtNJfold mifericordia, with an expreffeobftante of all merit. For, the eye olii Iuffict will releeve all them, that deferve it. Goodneffe, in mermtes, that, isJr1-. ftice. Goodnejfe, inimmere~tteJ, yea, and fometimes a degree farther, inmalemmntes, rra1.•o6. 4 4.f that is, <.Mercy properly. T{evertheleffi (faith the CV I. Pfalme) for all tbcy de· ' ·- · ferved it(to bemiferable) when Hee {ttrv their mifery (fawthat, and nothing elfeto move Him) that moved Him, andHe heArd their complaiNt, and gave order for theJ~ Mi[tritorJi.: .Ejt«. Mercies in 60;1). reliefe. This, is Mercie. , This Mercy is in Go o; Mi{ericordi4 Ejm. Indeed fuchis theirnmutablcco'!"– fiancie ofthe Divine Nature, as we ihould hardly conceive it to be in thisw!fe flex~~ ble, but thatgreat care is taken ofthis poim(of no one,fo great; thattherets Mtm~ in G o o, there beMi{ericordi,e Ejm. _ But what Mercy f From the nature and force ofthe word c•~n.,, whic~ (I am . not now to tell you, I have done it heretofore) is properly thebowels; thaus, there are tender mercies inGo o (fowe rurneir, in theBenedifltu.) Not, of the ordmary fort, llight, andfuchas pierce not deepe, come not farre: but,fuch ~s comedtprofn~ Jit, from the very bow_cl~ themfclvcs; that affeCt that part, 01ake the bowelsrelen~nd