.. 1 OftheGuN ... POWDE~m on7. , Above, 1,. . And it hath the highefiplace ofall, above all,tbepr~hh caUr. ell: place. TheArkn\<aS (on earth)the figurcofthe'fpivituall heaven: ~·ver ·~ Ig • .' lnplm. the chcmbins; .Above, upon the top of their wings, was. the <M.er.cj-Seat. ther,w[{~ mercie in the highell: placeofall. • .. ' e 1 tS >lnprectdr;JC< A,s the highell: pbce,above all: fo:theprecedence/Jefore~fl. In G~dr own~ {\ij~fra. h od.H· 6 • rued and proclarmed by Himfelfe, Exod.XXXIV.confill:mg ofthzrtee11etitles (· rnea{itr~s 0~ degrm) next after the Lord qod, the very firfi isthi~ Yip.rd, her~: ~~~ take rhrs '(mhall; thar? ·ofthe thtrteene, nme ofthem belong toNercy: that prop • tion it hath, rhar.fo; ittmy'haverhefl•per every way. i!'" , or. From this place'it liath, over afl(andby Go o's appoinrm.enq ittookitnot ·t felfc, we gather the place it hath, _in Go n's ell:eeme. That, which one mofi re:~ by, he fersby himfelfe; and next hrmfelfe: ever,the deereft, theneerefi frill. Gon by rhus [erring it, next to Him (none berweene Gqd and it,in His Style) !hewesplain: 1y, what vertue it is,He IDves aboveaU.; and what venue He cornmends to us aboveaU To usall; but fpecially, to them that are above .iU: Tobefuper omnia, in them rha; bee ft•per emnes. As the nobler theNature, and the neerer to God, the more eafie (ever)to take the·innprellion ofit. To hold you no longerin this lid!. It is one of Gen.tpg. Gods Titles (c.Me/chifedek firft ga~e to Him) .4ltifimm. As He, Altijimut: [o !tom. H · Nercic, altifimaever : Aliifim,o, in .4/tifimo, the higheft Venue in Him rhatis 1 noR high, which is God, above a!I to be blejfeJ, and to beblejfedforthis 4b~eall. And this, for fuper, above. 2 SrJptr, Ovtr, Efay p,:; Dan. .<J.l:.. Srtptr omnia, Overall. l1fal.lo4,1o4. 1 All His ivor~tr. His OPERA. lob If, 15, R.pm.9.2.j'. Gttlj:t.lOo Job 15.11. lob4. 18, E.f.'ly6.t. Etod. l7·9· :z.AllHi$ Vprtflula. illit, thereis more than fo,in ir. S11per isover; c.m.-,M.,isov~rall. All that are above, arc not over. It is not above onely, as an obelisk or Maypole, higher.rhan all about them, but haveneitherfhadow nor fhelter; no good theydoe. Mercy hatlt a broad top,fpreading it felfe overall. It is fo above111l, as it iswerthem,too. As the'vault of this Chappell isover us, and the great:vault ofthe Firmament o.verrhat•. The{t1peroflatitudeandexpanjion, no ldfe than ofaltitude, and elevation. . · And this, to theend that all may retire to it, and take covert: lt,o'llerthem ;and they, 1111drr it. Vnder ir, undcrrhefoadow ofir, as of E{ay'sgre,ot rock inrhe ,.ilder– neffi, from theheat. Vnder it, underrhefoelter of it, as ofDanielsgreat Tree, from the Tempefl. Over all Hu worlcu, now. 0 Lord(faith the CIV. P[alme) how manifo/d.,ethJ tvorkes! Weihallnevergetthrough halfcofthem, Godlmowes; Non eft pertrAnfire injinit11m. We will contraCl: rhem, thus: take the two extremes, fo !hall we takein all betwixt them. over all, that is, none ofthem all fo high, but as high as they be, rhey need come under ir. Nor none ofrhem all fo meane, but as rneane as they be, they are nor lefr out: one way or other, within ir, under it, all. So we divide Hi~ ivorkes,inroHis OPE RA, andHisoptljcHla; and overbothitis. , None fo high: None on earth, nor His Saints (who ofall on earrh,havethe.fo· per, are ofhighefiperfeCl:ion)'InthemHe[e11ndno fledfaftneJ/e (lob XV.)theybera(• mifericordi.eall. Ifyou will take it with lACobs Jlajfe, he faith, minorfum cuntft., he is underthem, under them all. Nor in earth then: No, nor in heaven. Neither heaven it felfe, norrhe brighrell: part ofheaven,rheflarres; they are not cleane in Huftght,they alfo need it. Nay,not rhe Angels,theverybrightcJlofthemaft : In them Hefosnd, Pravit4tem,,.,,&.n, fom:– what amilfe _even in them, So, over them too; they need it. The. very Seraphm have fometlung to cover. As for the chembin, they will fer Nemufeat upon the . top ~ftheir wings : So glad and faine are they to have it over them. AI~ the tongues ofSaint!;.and Angels mull: fay this verfe with us, Mi{ericordi.e Domim (t~per omma opera ejm. Both fay it, for both need it : And if both they, .I would fame know, wlro needs it nor. ' ., Now,as none fo high ;·none ofHisOfera, His Folio.worlm: So,none_fomea_n~. noneofHis opufcula, but over them too. As His art no lelfe wonderfull, 10 makwg theAnr, than the Elephant: So, His c:tre no lelfeover the one, th:tnwer the other• :t{Jturaf