Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 7· ofthe GuN~PownER.- T n. x :As oN. NAIUrAS rer~m minimarum 11011 _deHitrlit Dem : The v.ery minims of the world, His t.Urcic leaves them nor delhtute•. Nor the ~vrlde Ajfes, wirl)out aplace to quenth Pi"a!.,6 4 .u . t!teir thtrft. Norrheyoung R•vens crymg on fftm. Notthe Sparrow ofhalfe 4 far- 'H·?· thing, lets not them light ontheground _witho:.t Ififprovidenc~; Even thefe, evenfuch•g. Jfis Mercy is o11er alfo, It JS notFalttum breve ;theMantle 1S W1dc enough,ir leaves none~~~~ out ~ What Jay yo~ to heli and thofe there~ N ot therri~ zXazian.;;en (rhat had the honourro be called the Divine, of his time) thinks ir may be mainrained,noi: them : andfo doe the s,·hoole-menall, in.afmucb as even there, Mercy modeqtes,roo. Thatit isnot; with them there,as it might and lhouldbe; but tolerabililfO, ealier,tqa!J rbey do deferve by much. N one,no not in that place,rhoughbeatenwith manyflripes; Luke u.~?; notyet with fomany as the quality ofhis offenfe, in rigour of jufiicew,ould require, This is fure: Deru pr£1Jii4t.ultra,punit citra : God(ever) rewards beJ.~nd, but pu!ri{hef on this fide ;foort,lhll;ofthat wedeferve: that His very punilhment is tempered with mercy: th~t1 even iD Hif wrath, ~e remembreth mercie. .. Hab.j••; But we w1ll not !tand upon rh~>; we need not,welhall find anotherSupu for thefc, anon. For many are the. Super'~ ofmercy. Notinanyone (poffibly ;)but in one fenfe or other, over A 1l. Then (ifit goe by qr/'o communim eo me/ius) None fogsod, for none fo comm111 (I am fure;) . . , . . . , ,. . . And reafon, whyMercy fhould fpread thewif•gof her mantle thu.s,. over all. .AI! Th; mro.1 i.l ereopmsejm. opera ejru : Ejun'nay be referred indifferently i toMercy, as well as ~j':,',;:lcrre4 to God. Mercy bath the name fromom;rhewombe. For;llJe was thewomhe,(indeed) Mcrcyt~~ ,.,.; in which, all werecmiceiv.ed at firl1:, and fi1edelivercd pfipem all. Plaine, PY. the '"l"ft)\enl'll•. CXXXVI. P(alme; Who by Hit excellent Wi{dome wade the heavens, Who !aye/out the l'i• ·' J 6 -J: Eorth abwe thewaters; who madegreat lights, &c. And the caufe ofevery onr, at the • 1 ,~e; end ofevery one, and oftwemy more, For, Bif mercy eridureth for ever. ,Thac,fet all .. onwork: Hit Wif Mme, to contrive; kif power, to execute; {!ppo!nted all; did all•. It was Mercy, and nothing but mercie, [enhecreation in hand. for, it is )Veil knowne, in non ente, there could be no movingcaufe at all. Nothing.we w,ere; W. e, and all His w1rkes: In nothing, there can be nothing to induce, whyit lhould bee brought out ofthe fiate ofbeing nothing. So rhar~ His meuy it was, that removed .that univerfall defect, of nMentitieat the fidt. . .. .. , . . And having then made them,it is.kindly,that ri[cera mifericordi~ lhould beover Mctcythe prtJ: thofeopera that came de vifceribm; whom it brought from nothing,to beover them fer•." of all. and nor feethemcall: :tway, and brought wnothing againe. The Eag/e(faithMofes) Exod.t9-4. the pooreHen <faith ourSaviour) will doe it fortheir young ones: !\retchtheirwinti Mlt.IJ. 37· overthemtoprefervethem; whatt)1eycan. . , . , .. , . So thatthefe very.two wotds [opera ejru] containe in thequ reafon, whymercy Th; rearon': lhould doe nole!fe. A reafon~ Nay two., r One; forrhatthey be Ejru, Hif, I am • InEi•r,hir thine ;8Javeme; agood reafon: .His they be, a part ofHis pojfej?ion; T~at alone, is ~~~:~o;~f. enough with us, to preferve that is ours ; onely becaufe it is ours, though we never made ii.i• But be~des that they be Hu,they be Ifif h~ndywori:.Anothergoodinduc~- i rn•P"'' hi; fr!ent,De(pife not oLordthe ~or/m ofthine owne han4s. We fee then,why.over all;quia handyworke. ~ 'I"') qr1i4 oper4; becaufe Ifif;all; becaufe His workes, all. And it is )Veil for us, ~he Pral.'l7· 8 • reafon is laid fo large. For, we be.or doe, otwhat ~ver become ofus, Hi4 wear~, and Hif workes we are frill. So, frill Hif merCJ.if over m, and ;ve underir; • It made me fay at fir£1:, ThisSr•per asit is highly to thepraijt ofyYercy,ihatlt is s.p, •m•i•: over Hifworkes : So it,is every way, as highly to thegoodofall Ifif workes, which are ;.;;%.~'"''.• . under mercy. Thev anitie, Salomon faw (One Jet over others for their hurt) hathno •Fo_,thcgood place, here. That Mercy is over all, is forth!! gcnerall good ofall, and t_hat is ev~r E!J.~.;."t"i ableffedSrtper. We lhall not need to feareany heart-burning,any emulanon,for th1s Super : ortoask~~hattheworkes faytoit~ they all fay, Amen.Hflllel~jA : gladare they; that mercy IS mthat place ;they would have none other, ifth.eym1ght. It fol~ . _ loweth next,Conjiteat11t<r tibi opera,Hit w~rkes are ready ;tll toconfqfe,toacknowledge Vcrfe! s; ~~1s Supremac1e without ally fcruple;to raketheoAth to it. , . . - Ppp p z For