Ofthe GuN~P OWD E R,.T R Jr. As 0 N. ser-;;;;:;. For St•per (over) there is no doubt, that it is as the Cheruhims ;;;;;, fir~ from onefide ofthe Temple to the 6ther ; Over afl; for all to flieunder and findefu/ e ther~. Tntijfimumeft (fay they, that can fay leafr by it:) when all is done noth~our 1 For, ifabove whereto we_may fo fafe~y commit our felves. And,thereforeSuper omnia,;hat s~;~ aU Haw"~"' omma wemtght trull: in lt• Buti fay, that, evenSuper (above) it is not as ~bove His bare pole upright; there is a brazen Serpent upon the top of it, for us to lookeupr~ d 1"dtcmm . receivecomfort by. I will touch two or three : for thus we deduce. Fir!l if it~ above all Ht5 workes, it followes, thenAboveevery one ofthem: And, One ~illferv~ rhcrurne. Ofall the rvorkrsofGodrhereis nowork_e~eare afraid of,?~tone;thatis~ Hi<judgement, theworke ofHu Iufttce. A6overhat,tt IS: for, •bove afltt ts.And that is to our comfort great!y.For which(bcfides this general! aboveaU,andtherefor~•bwe # ) we owe to S. lalfJes ;that we have it expreffed in particular, even in termes rermi. !ames "·'l· nam,MifericordiaS11per-exaltat judicium, Mercie ifexalted(more than exalted,Super-ex. alted)above judgement,nominatim.Thar workeofHif,we moll: ll:ana in aweo~overthill workbyname, Mercy trit•mpheth.And,in the veryDecalo~ue,rhere mayyou feetheSu. Exod.1o.lf: h ,f. ,/1 o perofat ou;andtofoure, in Mercy overju;.ice. Even there, even in therolleofHisltl· jlice(theLaw;) there,would Godhave it extant upon record, that Mercie isaboveir. · And ifmercy beabove it, thither (to mercy) wee may remove our caufe, as to the Higher Court. There lieth anAppeale thither, A Solio Iujfiti.e adThrMum Grati.e Hcb. -J. ' 6 • from the Bench ofIuftice,ro the Throne ofGraceand Mercy. There,we may berelie~ ved. Now,ifit beabovechar opm,that worke ofGods, for Gods works we feekno more" A fecond we deduce thus. !fir beabove a/1His rvorkes, !hall it not much more bee , Above.lt above allours f What arewe to Him; ours toHis~ No rvorfceof 011rs theo, orrobe ;;(,~'~~;~,~: done bps, butthemercy of Godis ahoveit; no Jinfullrvorke(I meane ?that wcerre notCa:nserror, H:sjinnerv&above GoDS mercy : No;Mercyabovelt. Grandeeft Gen.4· 13· barathmmpe,·catorummeomm(it isChryfoftome) fed maJOr eft Abyffu. mi{erimdi.t Dei/ Great is rhewhirlepooleofmy wickedworlus, but greater is'the .Bethefd•,thewideand decpe gulfeof themercy of GoD that hath no bottome. And indeed, it were not truly faid, It is above all Ht! rvorlus, (a/1HiJ, and much more then,•boveallours)ifany ofa/lour tl>orlwwereabove it; Nomorerhen, There is aLamhe, that takethaw")the Iohn ' · ·~· finnes ofthe world, ifthere were any:ftnne inth~world, He takesnor away. And this is the St,per indeed, that would bee looked into byus, by reafon ofanotherSuper, I'Ili.J8 .4; lniquitates nojir4 fupergreff.eflmtcapitanoflrA, Our finsaregoneup, over, aboveour heads; overheadandeares, in fin. And another Super yet, abwerhem; Even the phials ofGods wrath hanging over Mr heads, ready tobepowredMm and them, were Apoc.t 6., ; it nor, that mercy is above them, and !l:aies them: Were it not that, Over whom mife~ ry, over themmercy : Elfe were we in danger tobeoverwhelmed wirh themevery houre. We fee then, thecomparifonwaswelllaidinSuper. Ourjinnes, ov~rus; judgements over them; bur mercy over all, Super omniA. AIwaies, where there Js·Sfl~ per,there is Sati•; Satisfuperq~<e !hewes, Super is motethanSAtil. Enough thenthere is, and r.o fpare, forthem all. . 3 Above tbt WOT~f o(a/J H14 WOTkt,. . Onemore :not onelyAboveall ours, but if it beahove a/1Hil workes,then isu.d>ll'l)t all thcworkesofrhem that be Ht& l!'orkes: andfo (not to hold you) Abovethe IYevsll and all hilrvorkes. For he alfo, is one ofthem: OfGods making, as an AngeU;ofHIS owne marring, as adevi/1. Ab~vehiJ workes (I fay)andabove the rverkes,and praClt~es ofhis limmes, and alltheycandoeordevife againll: them, overwhomHtsmercy ts. The Sonne of God (faith Saint John) inmercy therefore appeared, rtfolveret operA 'John l-~· Diaboli,that Hemight loo{e, undoe, qt~itedijfolvetheworfces oftbe Divtfl. N~workc !hall hecontrive,never fo deepe undergr~und,never fo neere the borders ofht~owne region, but Go Ds mercy will bring it to light; ir, and the workers ofir. Hrs mtriJ willhaveaSr1per, for their Subter. There!hallbemorein011ercy,tofave; thantD Satan, to dell:roy: More,dicat nunc I{r4el; more, may thif Rea/me now /4Y· Anor~· Pill. !"P· riousWorkeofHis, as ever any; Nay, Super 1mnia, as never was any,tht~ day by Hts wsrciebroughtto light, anddif!olved, quite dijfolved, we beardic not Withour ear«s, Pfu.44. '· 1Jt1rfathers teldit m not; ou~eyes_ beft_etdthis Stper. ·- · ·