Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 1· Sowearecome,toourownecafe, y_erwewereaware, ti,arisSuper, 11 pon. over , 3 ftU it is; yer, nor oTJer a/lahke: adeallw1fe, not11pon all ahke; upon[time, more·rhan S•prrup•• r' . Qver other fotnc; i£qualzter eft Ifit cur ade ommb111, bur, not «quailS ; Equally; acare .:,~;:"~~:~~! · ofall,but not an equall care,though•. , No,Hff mercy over all In generall, is_no barre, <hm 0 ! lt~ • but 11pon Come ther~ may beeafpee~al!St~per; andfo, feme have aSuper mrhiss 11 • '"*'· per t~~r ifthe;eafo'n;why mercy is overall His workes be, becaufe they be Hu workesi then rh~ more-they be Hts•wor~es, ttle.tnore workemanjbipHe beftciwes upon them· , rhe :nore i!HiJmercy Q-iteithem. Whereby it falls out, thatasrhereisanunequali: tie ofH u wirkes; and oneworke aboveanother ; fo is there adlverfegraduarion of His mercy, and onemercy aboveanother ; or rather; o~eand the famemercy, as the fame planet in Ange, in the top of His Epicycle, highet rheriitfelfe,at<?therrimes; . . . , To fhewthis, we divide His works,(as we have warram)inroHisworks ofFiat(as •rp•nM•n the reil< f His matures:)a~d theWorkeofFaciam111, as Mar~, the J?aller-pei:ce ofHis;:;;;:::~,,, t>orkcs; upon whom Hedt.dmor~co!l:11hewed more workemanfhlp,rhanonrhereft: Gen.•,•6, 1 the very word [ Faczam111] (ers Htm anovea!!. I. Godt ~'''"": that Hee dtd de~ liberate, eriter into confulration (as it were) about his ·mAking, and about noneelfe. : • .Godsdv1•?-i"' that Himfelfe framed hilbodyofthernou!d, asthepottlr, theday.. Gen,i.7; 3• Then,rhat Hebrtathed into him a~wo-linci(oule,which made thePfalmifl breake out, Dominequidefthomo, &ir Lord, what.uman, thM {hou!djl(oregardhim, asto . "' paffe hy the heavens and all the glorious bodies there, and pafjing by them, b~;earh~Nal.S."~ an immorrallfoule,pur rhiqeowneimagr, upon a peeceofclay ~ ·14. But !all,. Gods fetting him St~per omnia opera marJutlm fuarum, Over a// the workes ofHii hands.His m a" king him (as I mayCay)'coinit Palatineofthe world; this fhewes plainely; His fehing byMan roore than all ofrhem. As he rhen,over them; [o,Gi!ds mercy liver him. over _ ·11// Hi! workel'; but, ofall Httworkes, over this worlre. Over Htschiefeworke,chi.dly: PfaL8,~ in a higher degree. And, nor without great caufe. Man is capable ofeternall either ftlicineormiferie; foarenot the reil: Heefinnes; fodoenorrhey. So, liiscafe requires aSuper in this Super, requiresmercy more than all theirs. . Vpon men then,chiclly. They,the firll Super in this Super. Bur,ofmen(rhough it berrue in g~nerall,HehathJhut up a//,that He might have mercy upm aU, yet) Rom,•l.ji; evenamong them aSuper coo, a fecond. Another workemanjbip He hath yet ;His werkemanfhip in Chrijl Ie[111: the t.Apoffle calls it (Epbef. 2. ro.) His new creature (Gal. 6. 15 .) whichH1smercy is more diretl:ly upon, rhant~por~rhe reil of~ankind; Servatoromnmm h•miwum, theSaviour ofAllmen (faith thev1poffle;) marrie, vf11. 1 Tlm,f.t!; :em,moll ofall, ofthe faithfi•IL Cbriflian men. Of Id!meri, aboveaft rncn; upon them: They arc His Worlu wrought on both fides ; CreatiMon one fide, Redemptionon the other. For(now)weareatthe worlu•fRedemptior~. , And here now is <.Mercy right,in kind, '0;'11 ;'10;,'1 Raliame Raham4, the mercy ofthe bird of mercy, that is the Pelicans mercy (for, ntm:l is the Pelitar~, whicft bath hername ofmercy, as the trulymercifiJ!I bird.) For, here (now)is not the womb~ to hatch them, not the w!ngstoclokerhem, but the Pelicans bi/! ofmmy; ftriking it felfe to the heart, drawmg bloud thence, everi thevery heart-blond, to revive her young ones, wheti they wete dead in fin,and ro make rhem li"e anew the lifoofgrAC'– !hisisMtfericwdia(t•peromnes miferic ,rdia. Shalll'wyir ~(I inay truly:) M6rcy, 10 all el[e,above His workei; but, in this, above Himfelfe, For, when it brought Him · . downefrom Heaven to Earth, to fuch abirth ituhe 'in4nger, fuch a life incontrAdiElionL"~"· 1 t. 6f.finners, fuch adeath on the Croffi, it might rrudy be [aid then, <.Mifericorditt eti11m ~hll::~~· trmmpbat de De~; Yciu fhallmarke therefore, at theverynexrwords, whcn.hee · -· comes to his thanUes, it is Con.ftteantur Tibi opera De111, bur Sar18i tui btiudic4nt TiGi: Thy workes,ler them fay Cor~fite/Jr; Thy ret/eemeJ, 'Thy Saints;ler.rhem ling Benedi81U, . Thy worku,let rhein rdl truth and confijfe ; Bur Thy Sdints,let them fpeake a!!goodand Vafe ••, blelfeThee; highly bleffc Thee; for this thyhigh mercy of all other 11pm tkem, as of ~llother,rbey havemoftcaufetodoe. · · · ,. Pppp j To