Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Ofthe GuN,POWD&R.-TR EAs ON. Serm~ To elevate it one degree, oneSuper, more. For(I know not how, i;);a;– obferve, thar;even among the fauhfull, even among them, Go n fingles~ut~ all one People fiill,from the refi,that He makes ofahove the re!l:,and vouchfafesHi fie ciallfavour upon, more than the re!l:, though Chri!l:en men, as well as they . a~lereafon in the worldto be give!) ofit, buttheSuperofHtl' mercy. ltwasevet f~:So no Nation, ofwhom it might be faid, Nerltaliter fecit omni Nationi, He bath not de 1~ withevery NAtion : Nay,NOI'Wnni isn~Ui,Hebath not dealt Jo with any Nation;So;e f whom it might be faid, Of all the people in the Earth I have chifenyou 1 to come~~ tell: you,to vo~c~fafeyou my c~iefdl:1mychoice~ '!_'ercies,~uperomtm, Not in mat: !ers on!~ pertamt~g_ to the foule,m which.all.Chn!l:tans are mtcrelfed alike; but even mthe thtngspmamwgto the courfc of tlus hfe, fecular (as we callthem) and tempo rail: In them,too•. And? in bo~h, is better than one alone. In favingthat way with thefalvAtien, th~Kt"g rqoyceth tn ( 2 I Pjalm.) favmgthem,from plots and practices, even again!l: theu worldly profpemy ; from Achztopbelsplm, from Ab{alo111s row and ·fuch like• • ~ • II I. And now toourSuper. For, m:iynot we (thinke you)reckdnou; fetves inall ' ~~::::;;.in }~t~1i:~~l~r·:~;,;:~ ::,k;:::;~i!~~e :1~~i! ~rf;~~~e~;:; Jf:'{h.::ke:'u~nft;~~ ~~.11, thefe,Ht$non taliter. For, ifwebe not very dim-lighted, without any perfpeClive glaffe,wc may feefuchmercies and favours ofHis, Super upon ourfelves,as (fureJ the riati0os round about us have not feenc: and, I thil)ke I may fay,not<myoation on the Earth feemhe like. • Many waies might this be madeappeare,and many daies iirougilt togive us iight: to it :But,let all clfe paffe in filence :this Day,thisftfthof~vember,is injlar om#ium. :L"'k' I. 78. Nay, isfl•permmes, before, beyond, a6ovethemall: eo ekvatetous, thts point, of · the tender mercies of our God, whereby thu Dayjjrrmgfromonhigh did vi{tt "'· This Day(l fay). enough and enough, to bring from all our mourhes,rhat it brought frotl'l His Majefiies,and that with admiration, MifericQrdi.e Deijt~penmniA opera~"' ! Arul the C011jittantt1r,and the Benedicantofright belonging to it. . Th, ~.rde of W.e,right l1'?W,divided~is ~vorkes: we will nov: do 1v~; N•i•'"'"'· accordmg totheuo6jei1,whtch ts mr(ery: And thaus double.' For,euher It IS alrea– dy uponus,and weinit: •Orbutwer us,yet foover us, as we are withinthejbadowof detah, at the very pits brinke(as they fay) and even now ready to be tumbled in. Tq quit us ofthefetwo, there is a double mercie (they follow atthe 14.ver.) •Erigit lapfos,•Suftinet labmtes,Lifts up them that be do1vne,andftaies them that begoi11gdonm; There is asuper in thefetwo. 'One ofthem, the better (whichour.Pattr-ndferwill teach us:)~ indtiCa! fir!l:,and thenLiber4. Better,leJtdem nBtin,than ddiverm out, I.fwearein,deliver tu: but; better nevercomein at all. Iena1 w;e; delivered; So was Ninive : Ninive's was better (they came nor in ;)thanJonashis: he was in, but got but.That ofLi6era, Godfend us too, ifever we !hall need it:and fend itallthem;thac at this prefent, doe. But yet, give me themercieofNe inductU, lctit notlighr,letit paffe over; the Palfe.over, that, is rhememorable Delivery ; that,tbe high Fe~l!. And, that wasrheSt~per,uponus, And it behoved fo to be. Wewerenottn: It t~menot to that; thankeMtrcie for it. Ifit had, it had been pafiwirhus, pa.HLtbe. r4: that othermercycoulil have done us no good. Ifit had not bcenepr.cve»ifh,peft~ _. venifti had come too late. For, if in, never out more. This, our firft Su~er. . :z Bur, being not in, we were asneereir, as neere might be, andfcapett. over,lt i;~~.~<ade of was; nay, it was rarhertmder us,then: bur all is one,St~per or Subter; eitherwrl ferve, from am<ehie here: that Suhter would have ended in aSuper, fent us up high enough (1 wore well:) dofetc "'· therefore we w:ll keepe the word ofrhe Text [Super] let it goc. . Firil:,whenitwas comrived,over m it was:then,whenit wasfct inhand,overb xct more: bur,when it came topArat4 funt om6id,al!ready for themat,h,andthemau for it (for; foneercitcame)then,it waHver tu (Itrow) hardpverus: and, rh;nro • ,