Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

88 What Maffei are Scram.. Ler.134,5, pentmace : it is afcab, and but afcab. 3. It is but Shin-deep, the heart 6,14. was not tainted. 4. Ic tiandeth at a flay. Thefe tour tigns thew it to beno Plague of Leprofie : fuch are not to be (hut up, or put out of theCamp. And God as he pardoneth iniquity, tranfgre{fion, ané fin fo he promifeth to heal and pardon their backepidings, Hof. i4.4' Jer.3.22. 3. But there are others that make a trade of fin, drinCup iniquity like Deat,a4.1,,a. water, that add Drunkennefs to ehirft, and fall and rife, and riteand fall : they lapfe and relapfe, and flide away as waier,Ihall I fay fuch fhall have peace ? No, what peace to fuch fo long as their fins remain, the wrath of the Lord,andhisjealeufie(hallfmo4againfl that man, andbt1ha11 blot otte his namefrommilder heaven. Call not this a Scab, this is thePlague of Leprofie, this is more than Lava 3.1%1a, skin-deep, this doth notflandat a ffay, here is proud raw fle(h, t his is an 14,1 f. .14fore, thoumutt out of the Camp, thou art unclean. God will wound ?, the bead of bisenemies, and the hairy fcalp of him thatgoetb on f1í11 iar his trefpajfes. I (hall to conclude give a few fhort Direftions, to prevent Falls and Relapfes,but cannot now enlarge upon them. x.14.41, I. Wateh and pray that ye enter not into temptation. This is the old and great receit, and daily experimented with every ordinary Saint, probatetm eft, watchin prayer, watch after, watch when alone, watch when in company, efpecially againfi ill Company and all occafions of fin. a. Keepconfcience tender,and (hun the fir(+ motions,andoccafions of fin ; ifthou find thy felf given to appecite,put a knife to thy throac,is thewife mans counfel, if towine, looknot on the glafs ; if to wanton- nefs,come not near her corner : the confecraced Nazarire muti not on- lyforbear the wine, hut the grape ; and not only the juyce,but the husk i 6.4. and kernel of it. 3. Take heed of h ving flight thoughts of fin, as to fay, as long as it is noworfe, it is the firli time,ic is but now and then,a great chance, when I meet with fuch company, and many have fuch fooli(h pleas, and fo play at the mouth of the Cockatrice Den till they are flung to death. Dcut zs 1 g 4. Of having light thoughts of Gods mercy, 1(hall have peace, I (hall have mercy when I dobut ask, At what timefoever, will five me : we cannot out-fin the mercy of God, when fin abounds, gracefuper- abounds,&°c. The Lord faith, he will not(parefach, nor be merciful to them. S.Take