Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serino 5. 91 IMAAAMAAIMM How may we be fo Spiritual, as to check Sin in the fiat firings of it ? Gal. 5. i6. Walk in the Spirit, and ye fhasnetfplfaf the lufis of the flefb. He Cafe of Confcience to be difcuffed this Morn- ing from thefe words, is How a Chriai- an may be able to check fin in the fara rifings of it ? Andwithoest controverfie great is this ÁYlyßery of godlinefs, and if any other, of ineflimableufe and moment in the pra&ife of Chrifiianity. As the title which Solomon infcribes on the Frontife- piece of that divine Poem of his, the Canticles, is, =Tell -pv, theSong of Songs, and as Ariflotle calls the Hand, the Inftrument of boflruments, and the Mind, theForm of Forms : fomay we with as ju({ a reafon (lyle this holy skil, of arrefling, and intercepting fin in its ear- liefl motions and overtures, the Art of Arts.Could the Chymifls ever campais their grand Elixir, it were but a poor and cheap trifle,in corn- parifan of thisgrand Secret of the School of Chrif+. So that the Cafe of Confcience before us, ( like Dianaof theEphefans ) is great and illufcri- ous amidfl its fellows. My Text prefents us with itrefolved in this excellent Rule offanUi- fication,walkin the Spirit, &c. Wherein we bave, i. Theprinciple and root of fin and evil,thefief' N 2 with