Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm 5, check Sin in tbèfi/ftrilings of it ? the Maje(ly of King Áhafuertu incenfed at that affront of Hannan, when he threw himfelf upon ueen Efihers bed --- what will he force the Rzeen in our prefence? Eflh.7.8; Keep but in the prefence of thy Lora, thy King, thy Husband, and the Ravifher will not offer to force thee there, or if he do,it will be but in vain. How fecure is that Soul that lives under thedeep, and warm, and con(lant fence of Gods being its all in all ? What a munition of rocks is this againfi all affaults and incursions of the Tempter. They are our tame and common Poultry, whofe wings fweep theground as they file, and raifea dull: but the generous Eagle foon mounts above this fmoaky lower Region ,of the Air, till the makes theclouds a pillow for her head. Put on, Chriflian, thy Eagles wings ( which are the fade with thofe Doves wings which David praies for, Pfal.5 5.6. ) and flee away, that thou ma, be at refs. They that wait on the Lord (hall renew theirfirength, they fhalt mount up with wings u Eagles, &c. Ifa.4o.3 i. When the foul is once but upon the wing heaven-ward, O how eafily then doth it foar away above this Region of fmoak and dull, above this.Atmo- f'hgre ofcarnality,and flefhly luflings,into the pure and free eEEtbereal aire, the bleted ferenity and mil of Gods life and kingdom, which is righteoufnefl, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghoft, Rom. t4. Iy. It is cold iron that (hews its tufty fcales, they difappear when it is red hor. Get but thineheart on fire heaven-ward, be but afcending thither E- liah-like, in a flaming Chariot of holy longings and pantings after God, and the luaings of the flefh (hall no more appear to deform thy beauty, then the ruff of Iron appears, when the metal is Candent, i.e. all over of a light and glowing ardour. The Rule then is, Be tick of love co thydear Mailer, and Lord, and thou (halt not be lick of fin. Stir up fpiritual and holy lullings in thy foul after the love and favour, thegrace and image of thyGod, and thou (halt notfulfilthe Wingsofthe e Study throughly the unchangeable natures, the eternallaws and differen- ces of moral goodand evil. To open this ; there are fome things of a middle and indifferent nature, neither good nor evil in themfelves : But if God commands or forbids any of ìhefe, they are then good or evil indeed, buc only becaufe or whilefi he doth fo. The Ceremonial Lawof the OldTefiament flood in there things, and is now abolifhed by the fame Divine authoritywhich enatled ir. And it is now the glory of Chriflian Religion, that ( excepting the twoSacraments, and a very few other pofitive inflitutions for great and weighty caufes referved)the Evangelical Law of the Nere reftarrment confifis of finch precepts as O carry 97 Rule 2.