Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm.I6. In what things mull we ufe moderation, and in what not ? Phil. 4. 5. P.373 Sem. t 7. How maywe have fumble conceptions of God in duty ' Gen, t 8.27. 13.4,07 Serm.t8.. How are we to live by faithon Divine Providence r Pfairn62.8, p418 Serra, 19. Howmay we cure diflrac ions in holy duties? M ir.15. 7,8, p.453 Serrn.2o. Howmuff we inall thingsgive thanks r a TheL5 , # 8. p.470 Serm.2 r. Horn may we get rid ofSpiritualSloth, and know when our aaivity in duty i6from the Spirit of God ? Pfa1. t 19.37. ult. p.49í Serm.22. Wherein are we endangeredby things lawful ? Luke 17. 27,, 8. p.515 Serm.23. Hose mull we make Religionour bufïners ? Luke 2.49. p.526 Serm.2 4. Whether well-comparedReligious Vows do not exceedingly promote Religion ? Plat. i 16.12,14. 13.540 Serm.25. How are we cempleat in Chrift ? Co1.3. t r, ult. p.565 Senn, 26. HowFlail thole Merchants keep up the life ofReligion; who while at home enjoyedall Gofpel- ordiraarfces, andwhen abroad, are not only a'efitute of them, but expofed toperfecutian .Pfa1.446P.15. p.585 Serm.27. How is Hypocrifïe difcoverable andcurable ? fluke1`21. p.609 Serm.28. What muff Chriftians do that the influence of the ordinances may abide upon theta.? z Chron,29.18. p.631