Serm.5: checkSin in thefirff rifings of it ? lit not what to do, but thy eyes are towards him. Bemoan thy felf before him,and plead his glory with him,and his truth and faithfulnefs.Spread his own gracious promifes in his eyes,Pfal.27.I4.1fa.4o.z8.29,3o,3 i® Pfal. 5 5.22. I Pet . 5.7. Such Ejaculations or Meditations as thee are mighty ufeful, Gods children find them fo in the very paroxifme and affauk. But if the Temprátion continue, get into thy Clofet, and humble thy felf greatly before thy God, throw thy felf at hisfeet, tell him thou wilt noe rife till he bath given thee a token for good, no, thou art refolved there to lye hanging on him, and nor to let him go until! he biefs thee. O hov' welcome isevery honeti heart to the Father of Spirits, when it comes on fuch an errand, and in fuch a manner to the throne of grace I God cannot chufe but melt in pity and tendernefs over hispoordefolate ones,when he fees the anguìfh oftheir fouls. How can Igive theeup O Ephrairn,mybowels are troubledfor thee, they will not giveme leave toforget Jei.3i.zeó thee. Is Ephraimmydear fan, 1 doearneftly remember him, 1willford) Ifa.49.I4 have mercy upon him,faith the Lord. Give not over wrefiling like Jacob, G01.32,26,27,28. till thou rifeff Ifro:et, one who haft power with God and prevailefi. And it is worth obferving, that theLord takes pleafure tobe called the mighty God of 7acob, and the Lord God of Ifrael, as ifhe reckoned it an honour, that once the worm Jacob wrefiled with his omnipotence,andovercame him,he teems to glory in his being tongue- red,and chufeth that for his name, and for his memorial throughout.ge_ neracions,which is an everlafiingmonument, that a poor frail mangot theday of him. So much Both the effe&ual ferventprayer of the righ- teous prevail. Perhaps fometime it may be regulate to joyn fecrerfading with thy prayer. Ir may the Devil that tempts thee is of that kind, that will not go out but by prayer and fatting, Mat.17.2I. Thus Daniel layproffrare at Gods feet, till a hand touchedhim, andlet him upen his kneel, and the voicefaid to him, O Daniel greatly beloved,&c. Dan. a e.2,3. compared with io,ii. and Kith i8,19,verfes. When thou h-ati done this, Rife up, and buckle on the fhieldof faith, hole - which ra able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one, Ephef.6.i6. Cloath thy foul with an heroick confidence, in the power and faith- fulnefs of thy God, and in the name andmajetiy ofthe Lord ofhofis, bid battel to thy lulls, and to all the powers of darknefs. Take heed of going out in thy own angle firength, for tuft hash cafi down manygrey, 26 ftrong men wounded. While thou art keeping thine own heart with all diligence, forget not by faith to bring the great keeperof Ifracl a .-41P