Sam,. check Sin in the firil ritngs of it ? 113 a Hain and venome, as the i dv ,5,íN. t a are of a peftilential difeafe,whofe breakirgs our, difplay the contagion wirhin. If the Carbuncle and the Tolkens proclaittt the Plague ? or the fpots difcover a pe(iilential feaver? or the Variolæ ( thofe puflulous eitlorefcencies, which we commonly name the Small Pox) argue the prxcipiration of the bloud, by fome la tent malignity ?certainly thekillings of thefiefh in all rnen,demonfirate Chat the very nature of man on Earth is now blafted,and corrupted. Methinks the Divine perfePtion, andour own imperfeion are the two greatefi Senfibles in the world,both of them equally,that is,immenfely clear, and difcernable. Fer, the former is no lets illufirioufly undenya- ble, then is the being,lighr,and beauty of theSun in the Firmament at noon-day : And the later is no lets evident and confpicuous than the obfeuricy and horrour of Midnight- darknefs. Not ro fee theone is to be ;.°s&without God in the world, and not to feel the other ( for it is like the 'Egyptian darknefs,Exod.Io.2I.that may be felt by all that arenot pafl fceling) is to be without or betides ones feif. Now since all the reafon in the world confents to the truthof that Aphorifm of the Philofopher,( v7'a'7' *ti) that the hell and molt excellent mind is the parent of the Univerfe, andan Almighty everlivinggoodnefs is the Source, and root of all things, lince heaven and earth fay Amen, and again Amen, Hallelujah to that Oracle of the Pfalmift u , The work of God honourable andgloriotsa,Pfal.1 I t.3. Andall that Godmade was verygood, Gen.I.31. No wonder if it puzzled all Philofophy '776°v TÓ xaxov ; Whence humane nature came to be thus vitiated and debauched ? What are the fountains of this great Deepof fin withinus, which like the troubled Sea,is perpetually thus cafting out mire and dirt ? Sure enough fo univerfal an efïe t as this calamity of mankind, muff have a caufe as univerfal. The Socinians here and others will have us believe that we all are born, as innocent asAdam in Paradìfe ; that is ( fay they) in an requi- librium and perfea indiiferency to good and evil, affigning no other caufe of the general corruption of mens lives and manners, but the in- fection of example, and evil cuRome, which is methinks as wife a duets, as to affirm the Wolfand Vulture to be bred and harcht with as fweet and harmlefs a nature, as the innocent Lamb, or loving Tur- tle, but only the naughty behaviour, and ill example of their Ance- fiors,and co:atpanions have debauched them into ravennoufnefs, and ill manners. The Maniehees (as Sr. Ataflin tells us, who was himfelf for feveral years before his conversion of that heretic) thought that all the evil in the world (prang from an Almighty and an eternal principle of evil, coun- HieFecles divinely con- clades, ssdNcíx á)JúI mrp00157 Tt1S zcv 72únzev 70115 ?7,3Js; ?OS d rira, 71-ANY Tîts ra' îcaíeu, a'yu8ó; y :tis,%- îa,5.(9- yúi zt- UH 3 ,z}a- ç, PFs rve.: isJ róS tfóQ?T)Te iltP- vs7uu in Carm, Ifa.57.1o.