Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Sera,. 5. cheek Sin in theAft rrnnsof it ?.. 115 I. The more thou yïeldeft, the more thoumayefl.Sin is unfatiable,it will never fay it it enough. Giveit an inch, it will take an ell : See the fad example of Peter denyiIg his Lord, tL1at.26. i, He was only time- rous, he follows afar off, v.58. 2. At the next [lep he denies his Lord openly before themall, v.70. 3. He adds an oath to it, v,72. And la[l ly,v.74. he f sils a curling and fwearing, as if he meant toout-fin thevi- left there. It is no wifdom co cry conclufions between fire and Gun- powder in the heap.Who but a fool would unlock thedoor of his houle, when it is befet with Thieves, and excufe it,he did but turn thekey,thac was ;11. Why, be need do no more, to undo himfelf,they will eafilydo all the refl. 2. It is thequarrel of the Lord of Hafts, in which thou fightefl, let caf Tern veh thy courage rife in proportion to thegoodnefs ofthy caufe, and the ho- & foituum nour of that great Prince and Captain under whofe banner thou fer- cxfa" veil. Upon thy good behaviour and addrefs in Arms, depends much of the renown and honour of Chriflianiry. A cowardly Souldier is the re- proach of his Commanders. Thouhall a noble General, OChriflian, that bath done, and finifhed perfe&ly whatever concerns thy Re- demption from thepowers of darknefs. To bins that overcometh will he give to fit onhis throne, even ouhe overcame, and is jet dorm on bis fathers throne, Rev. 3.23. Do valiantly and worthily. Follow thy viaorious Leader, let all that know thee, fee that Religion is no mean and feeble thing, that the School of Chri!l breeds the excellent of theearth, that theDivine life is the molt powerful principle in the World, that the Spirit of God in thee, and his grace, is flronger than all thy lulls and corruptions. Not he that talks moll, or prefeifech moL, but he that a&s and lives moil as a Chriflian, {hall be theman whom the King delights to hangar. 3. The tufts of the flefh are thy greatefl enemies, as well as Gods, they tsar again/I thyfoul, i Pet .2. r i . To refill them feebly, is todo, not only the work of the Lord, but of thy Soul negligently. 4. It is eafie vanquifhing at firft in comparifon, a fire newlykindled is loon quenched, and a young thornor bramble eafily pulled up. The fierce Lyon may be tamed, when a whelp : but if thou flay a little, there will be no dealing with aLu[l any more, than with a favage Beafl of prey. Gracewill lofe,ind corruptionget flrength continually by de- laying. 5. If thou reliflefl, the vi &ory is thine, ames4.7. And in my Text, Wake, &c. andye (hall notfulfil the lulls of theflefh. Thou canal never be conquered, if thou wilt not yield. Standbut to ir, and thou art invincible, while thouart unwilling, all the Devils in hell cannot Q* force