Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm.6. How noafl wevifstlickperfens ? T and corroding nature, which may ear ouc or remove the noxious hu- mours,but addeth co them th'tíags or a more gentle tcinperature,which by their lenity may correct the acrimony of the former : God himfelf lets us a copy by the mouth of Samuel, i Sam. i 2.20. Tote have done All this wickedneß, there is the corrofions, he faithfully difcovers that, and doth not dawbe with them, yet,lea thedifeafe fhouid rather be exafpe- rated than removed, he adds this healing counfel, yet turn not of :defrom Mowing the Lord,and this Cordial,v.22.The Lordwill not forfake his peo- ple : and Ez,ri follows it, Ezra 10.2. We havetref$afed again/ God, and have taken /range wives, yet now there is hope in I frael concerning this, nor, therefore let us no. e a covenant with God. 4. The fame methods are not to be tiled to all lick perlons : you might as well give the fame pill to all difeafed perlons, whereas that which would cure one,will kill another ; you may as well make one fuit for all bodies : difcreet Phyfitians diverfifie their applications, accord- ing to the difference of the Patients difpofition and condition; fo here, and there are many differences to be eyed here: i. Difference of tempers,whether tender, or rough and fiubborn, as you read it is the husbandmans difcretion that the arches are not threfhed with a threfhing infirument, neither isthe cart -wheel turned upon the cummine, but the filches arebeaten out with a flaff, and the cummin with a rod, Ifa.28.2y. fo it muf+ be the difcretionof a Mini- fier,to have refpea to the different tempersof men,in his applications to them : it is Paid of Chrili he taught the Difciples as they wereable to bear. 2. Difference of education and converfation, force have been nuz- zled in ignorance,others brought up in the knowledge of the truth, not confidering of this, oecafions much mifchief : Difcourfe to an ignorant perfonof theneceffity of faith and repentance,you lofe your labour oft times, he conceits he bath believed and repented ; for he takes faith ro be a believing, though without any grounds, that God hath pardoned him, and repentance a crying God mercy, &c. one muff confider where foundations muff be laid and where we need only raife fu- perfirudiions : forne have had a loofe and profane education,others civil and religious : the former require more terrour,the latter more caution, lefi they deceive themfelves. 3.Differenceof guilr,Great difference is to be made in the handling f (inners of,a fmaller fize, and inveterate (inners : as God carpet-1s, fo ifiers muff endeavour that forrow may bear Tome proportion with the - -Peter having finned grievoufly,wept bitterly, Mat.27.ult. R 2 5.Tt