Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

2 kdFx< coeditor, and fometimes the fame with ' 7re.eAvw. Bu- da?t!s. 1 operari do,ela- borate ce.ncono, orno,colo Steph. {n ?ATxEiV ILtI- trcr Paultag- nific2tione co jugztio tic.ficb. IlathDabel. Bez. n Cant.1.6. oiCor.9.z7. p ciuu=td,mv $ir 9, Rut. againit lib of conf.p.a r'A,zpis.comcY. loc. How miti we be solverfilly Serm. a a 2, Here's the Acct with the 10,110 included, [ I exercife 1 ] I ammu- ting, and cxerciiing my mind :1 am learning and bufying my thoughts, the word alfo notes indu(Iry, and endeavour ; pains and labour 1 q.d. this is my meditation, my Rudy, my work and employment to get,. to iteep,and ufe, a Confcience voidof offence, 6-c. 3. Confider the Stcbjett of this exercife L my felt ml 'cwas him fell, not on'y his. hearers, he cook on him the care ofall the Churches, but he would not have it charged upon him,chat he kept others Vineyards and negleéted his own : he would be fure fo to exercife himself, that he might not by any means, when he had preached to ethers, himf elfbe 4 away °. s 4. Confider the Object of this exercife, andchat is [ Confcience]and P pray confider the manner of exprelling hirnfelf [ to have a Confcience] tobe owner of a good Confcience q : All men have a Confcience, but we may fay of moil, Confcience bath them : they have a Confcience, as they have a Feaver, or a difeafe ; Confcience is troublefotne and dif- quiets them, they cannot in fo freely, as if they had no inward gripes, and therefore they had rather be rid of their Confciences, than be thus troubled with them. But now the Apofile he would have a Confcience to communewith; he would do nothingbut what he is willing his De- puty-judge (hall approve of. 5. Confider thequality of the Subje t [ void ofoffence? ] i. e.without any thingwhich will not endure the fcrutiny of both divine and hu- mane judgement t..Thedifributión notes the entirenefs, exaetnefs,and excellency of his Gofpet- carriage : in his Religion towards God, and in his Converfation among men 1. He made it his bufinefs to live pure) before God, and righteoujy amongmen i'. 6.Confider the Continuanceof this exercife [ aiwaies ] f 'tis not only by fits and Harts, when intome goodmood, or under forne pangs of convi6tion,'cis not only when arret-ted by ficknefs, or affrighted by the apprehenfionof death, but alwaies, at all timer. Thewords thus opened, the General Cafe that lies upon me to re- folve is this. How maywe be utsiver(ally, and exatily confcientioue tlniverfally, in refpe& of things ; exaflly, to refpeec of manner. To anfwer this, (fo far as I can crowd it intoa Sermon ) I (hall pre- fent you with thefe four things. i.What Confcience is. 2.What it's Oh- jet s. 3. What it's Offices. q..' What are theKinds of Confciences Whereinvarious direftions are neceffary, for remedies and rules, which when laid together wi l refolve the Cafe. t ri Ti xcàp d UTW áp£7Ñ. Chryf. an loc. es Calv. in loca- t Ata wuvTÓS. i, e. d?á grxviós pdp>s. Pif. Confcience