Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

>< 6 ,Flow rsufß wereprove, that ,veMay spat the Commonof (1.1) yet he is rot bound in denyfo to do. God is under cve and obligation, but his own purpofe and pleafure, Deusnon teneturr &situs,God is a Law tohimfelf. Herein lies the guilt and evil of mans permittingof fin, heir bound in duty,as well as fctrnifhed trithability,and authority toprevent it; and therefore his perm'.ttirgof lin, is a parr,. king of tin, E.vod.2:.1S. Thou shalt notfuller aWitch to live; man is Gourd to hinder prophanenefs and wickecncls, if he can, but fo is not (Jod; thòugh heir of irfinirepower and abi ity co ref rain ir, or to remove ir, y;.t he is co: bound inducy ; and fo it is no unrighteoufnefs in God to fuf}er lin. Sin is the tranfgreffiou of the Lair, but where there r aro La3,, there is no tranfgrefon. 3. It is nounrighteoufnefs in God to fuller fin, when he may hinder it, becaufe he can by his infiniteWifdom order it to his ow; glory ; he fuffered Pharaoh to harden his heart, that he,might (eglorified on Pharaoh, Rorn.9. t7.Pharaol's fil turned to Godsgloy, as he makes all penal evil, JJ wo-k Together for our good ; fo he makes all fnful evils concur to his ownglory. 4. I t is no unrighteoufnefs in God to fuller fin, 6ecaritehe can turn every mansfn toagreater benefit and advantage, Gen. S0.20. Tuthought evil againfl me, iaith ]ofeph co his Brethren, but God meant it unto good ; He can bring good out ofevil, and light out of darknefs. God Puffers Toads and Serpents to live, becaufe they are ufeful, they fuck the noxious and hurtful gulls from herbs and flowers, and fomake them wholfome for mans ufe : So God permits tin in the world, be- caufe he knows how to make it ufefu); He can make an Antidote of the pipersflefh. He did by an excellent and rare Chymiflry extra& tf,e. greatefi Mercy from the greateft Mifchief; the greatefi Good from the greatefiEvtl; the SalvatronofMankind frorx the Crucifixion of Jefus Chrifl. g. By influence of bad Example, by letting loofe and bad Examples for others to imitate: So men are guilty of others fins, as namely, when Children fin by the Examples of their Parents, thole very Pa- rears are guilty of their Childrens LLin. So we have force Families that inherit he lufls, as well as the lands of their Anceflours; Parents fwear and curie, and fo do Children ; Parents are Drunkards, and fo are Childres, ; Parents are unclean, and fo are Children; as they make them rich by their Livings, fo they make them wretched and debaucht by their limes ; this is tomatte themfelves partakers ofall their fins. So when people fin by tikt Ioofenefs and licentioufnefs of their Minitier, that Minifler is guilty of thofe very fins that the people fo commit ; which