Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm.7. partakeof other mens figs ? 147 do nor pray toGod for your mercies,before you receive them,an,, pretfe God for your mercies when you enjoy them, you do but rob God of his mercies ; they are not given,but throw, and fnatcht indeed, rather than received. 3. Now, and in the lau} pl'ce, vve come to the Antidotes, gore we mull fo carry it, and order the bu/neß, ets not topartake of other mans fins. Antidote t. Exercife an holy jealoufie over others) I am jealous over you, faid Passl) efpecially thyRelations ; and this is the way to deliver thy foul from their fins. job facrificing for his children, faid, It may be they hive finned,Job.I.5 Antid. 2. Watch again(l the fins of others, have your eyes about you ; take heedof contriving, complying, winkingat them, if is be in your power, take heed of fuffering them.See Davids paroxifm of zeal in this cafe,Pfa1.I o .2)&c. This is the dire%on in the Text,which muff not beomitted ; Keep thy felfpure, take heed of infectiousplaces,and infectious pratices,and infe&ious company. Amid. 3. Pray ageing them,pray againfl profanenefs, prayAuguflines prayer, Lord deliver mefromother mensfins. Antid. 4. Mournfor them; mourn for the fins of the Nation, and mourn for thefins of thy Relations ; for the fins of thy Brethren in their obtlinacy, that they will not be reformed Chrifi came to finful 3erssfaleres with weeping eyes, andwith a mourning heart, oh Jerufa- lem !.Davidmourned for the wickednefs of the cimes that he faw,Pfa1. 119.136. Many walk, faies Paul, of whom I tell youweeping. Thus did Gods people ofold free themfelves fromNational fins, andparti- cular mens fins. When they could not be reformers they turned mour- ners, Yer.t 3.17. And fee how prevalent this is withGod, thefe mour- ners are the only people to deliver a Nation, or at leaf+ to deliver themfelves from the fin and plagues of a Nation, when God makes an overflowing fcourge to pafs through, Ezek.9,4. On the other five, not mourningfor the fins ofothers, makes us adopt, andefpoufe the fins of others. Dan.5.22. Antid, 5. Reprove them, Ezek. 3. 17, 18, 19. If we would not partake of the fins of others, we muff reprove the fns of others, Lev. 19. Ezek 3 3.7,$,9 So the Apofl'e faith exprefly, Eph.5. I. in- timating that )ou do certainly approve them, if you do not reprove them. Reprove Herefie, Blafphemy, Drunkennefs, Oaths, Sabbath- breaking, Uncleannefs, and every fin you hear or fee committed. 11 z The