Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

i 50 Howmuß we reprove, that we waynat SerM.7, or the commiflion of that which is evil; we mutt be Carp's, not MomrO'J.--As the Pharifees, to Chrifl, Mar.I9.3. So bere,is k lawful to reprove a man for every caufe ? ¡ o,the D îciples were quite out in reproving the children for coming to Chrifi to this chapter when it was not their fin, hut their duty, ver. 13, 14. Quakers make a Hit. about Cuffs, and Bands, and Ribbons, and Laces, and fuch likeminute trifles of Pharifaical Humility ; if they can prove theta fins, let them. reprove them in Gods Naine; but if they are indiffe ent things, it is cenforioufnefs, uncharitablencfs, and pragrnaticalnefs to rail at them, and nor Chrifiiata Reproof. 3. -- -Hemutt manage his Reproofto lincereends 9 mutt take heed that his aims and inventions be upright and honett in reproving. Take heedof mingling any wild -fire of pride, and vain - glory, and ambitious humour of contradi6`ting and controuling others,- with thy zeal of reproving; This heat mutt be holy hear, a fire of the San- d}uary as free from the fmoak of by-ends, and feif-interefi, as may he, purely for Gods glory, and out of haired unto fin, and out of love to the falvarton of thy Brothers foul. Diogenes (it is lioried ) reproved Plaeo's pride, by trampling upon hisVelvet Chair and Cu- fiaion, but faies the Author, Mayor; kin fuper6Nm Platonens Dio1enes fuperbior. 4. He mugmanage his Reproofin ftfeafon; There is a time to fpeak, and a time =obe tilt .r. ;, Reproof is a duty grounded upon an Affirma- tiv; Precept. Now 'cis well okferved by Divines, that Affirmative Pre- cepts bind femper,bur not adfewer ; we muff alwaies reprove, but we mutt nor reprove alwaies; it is a confiant duty, but it mull he done in a feafon.,ble opportuniry.There are certain mollia Tempurafandi,words upon the wheels, as Solománcalls them, that are like Apples ofGold; and let me tell you Chritiians, one word fpoken in feafon, is worth a thoufand other words. Now it is impoffible to define and determine all the nicks of time vwherein a man should firike in with a Reproof ; for this muff be left to the wtfdom and experienceof every Chrifiian, that makes it his huí nefs tobe his Brothers keeper ; and let him affure him - feif, he mull exne& to lofe many an admonition,fhoot many anArrow of Reproof, as 7onaihandid his, under and over, on this fide and tother fide, before he hit t hemark. Ruler. T. He mrefl take a feafon wherein the offender is capable of Reproof. If a man be drunk, we mutt flay till he be fober, as Abigail, I Sam.