SeXm.7. partakeof other mewfins ? I Sam.25.36,37 if a man be all ina heat of pall-ion, we muff flay, ant come to him, as God did to Adam, in the cool of theday, when the fi was over. s. ¡Ve muff take a feafosa wherein we have oc'cafion to commend a manfor his virtues, and then rub him up for his faults,Sir you are thus and thus, oh but if you would but mend this and that,how excellent it would be I SSc.Paul,I Cor.1I.2,17. 3. We mug do it as foon as ever we can, and the fooner the better ; a green wound is eafier healed tkan an old core, Lev.19.17. 4. Ifwe have long waited for fit feafons,and yet cannot find thern,you had better make a breach upon ones prudence, than ones confcience difcretion then minagive place to neceflity, out with ir, and leave the fuccefs toGod: 5. He mull manage his Reproof withdue conditions and qualißcations. Andbeloved there are leven properties of that Reproof that will in all likelihood both benefit and better our Brother, and alfo fecure our felves from participation of his fins. I. We mull reprove ferioufly and in good earnefl, fo as to knock the nail up to thehead in theconfcience of the Canner, Pfah5o.21, So fhould we in our Reproofs, of our Brother, charge him home, there things haft thou done, there is no denying ; thou art the than, faies Nathan to David ; before he was in his parable, but now he (peaks plain Englifla, as we fay.. --This fefus whom ye have crucified, faies Peter to the Pews, and thus we fhould let things in order before him. Sir, is not this and that highly to difhonour God, and to crack your credit-, and ro fhame your profefon, and to impair your body, and to wage your efiate, and to wound your confcience, and to damn your precious and immortal foul : and therefore for the Lords fake think on ir, and amend it. A loofe and fquibbing kind of Reproof is like an fgnis Larnbens, as foon ofd as on, and does the man more hurt than good. As Fliescarders and loofe reproving of his lend Sons, did ra- ther harden them in theirvillany, than any way reform them. As is is with weakPh' Fick adrniniflred to a lick man, it Both only flir the humours, but not purge them away, it leaves the body in a greater and worfe diflemper.than it was before. So 'cis here,--:herefore faies the Apoflle, Titrrb 1.13. d71076zeos .. cuttingly. A finger that is but jufl prickt, and no more, it is apt to wranckle and feller, and be worfe, but let it bleed, and there is no danger, it will then foon be healed. 2. We snuff Reprove impart!'ally, and wither reeeEi of Perfons. Good men, ISI