160 The Coaiverfos .of : ear Serm.8. llan,iz.3. they that torn many to ri.:}2teoHfioeß, fha?t thine its theGars for ever and ever. O Brethrera,if Families were holy,then Cities, then Nations would quickly prove Mountains of Holinefs,and Seats for the Throne of God. We are apt to cryour of bad times ; Alas, thole unclean Netts of un- godly Families have been the cafes of all the wickedness in all Ages and Generations to this day. Therefore whoever thou art,on whom the Graceof God hash f wined, Rudy that holy art of Divine Refle&ior, and Re-percutiìon of that light on others hearts, w't:ich brings me to an ufeful and praClicalqueftior. (well. You'! fay, what cosarfe fha11 we tae, what means (hallire ufe,what method willyou prefcribe, that we may be able to manage this important and weighty duty ; that we may be helpful towards thecorverfionand falvation of our swear Relations that are in the (late ofstature ? I confefs this Quetiion is of grand importance, and beingproperly folved, may prove of great influence in all places where we are caft by Divine Providence. There is fcarce a family, fcarce a perfon living, who may not be comprehended within the verge and limits of this difcourfe. Anf. In anfwer thereforeobit, I (hall fpend theprincipal parr of my ti.ne,and that I may handle it the more difiin&lv ; I (hall rank fuch as may delire fatisfaeiion and dire&ion in this weighty and excellent cafe under three forms or orders : Such as areeither Superiours, Equals, or Inferiours.But before I enter into the main body cf the Anfwer,I (hall craveleave to premife three things. I. That this Qeftion is not to be underftood of perfons in pub- lickcapacity andconcernment, as MagiPrares or Minitiers ; but of Fa- mily-Relations, Kindred, Co- habitants, Neighbours, Friends, and Acquaintance, of fuch as have frequent converfe together inCivil So- cieties, andoften commerce indealings; but principally of Oecono- mical Relatives, or fuch as arc nigh to each other by bloud or af- finity. 2. That SavinbConverfion is in the power of God alone to effe&, as being the primary and principal efficient caufe of all thole gracious works that accompany falvation. There in none able to kindle Grace in the heart, but he who hash his fire in Zion, and his furnace in Je- .rufalem. Yet notwithftanding all of us in our feveral Rations, as fubordinate infiruments, may and mull ufe all wholefome means that are of Divine Ai pointment, conducing to filch a blefleed -end. e. That