Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

16z The Converf on of our Serra. pro ve, bit as monitis e pro imverio habeat. Amet ut Parevtem, fubjicia. risr ut Drxair,æ :imeat ut M,sgrfiran-, ] Let the Child etfeem the nod of her mother in lieu of words,admonitions, and commands;let the MN Cher be loved as a Parenr, fubjedled coas a Lady, fearedas a Mitlrefs] condefcentíon tomein , fordid , and contemptible aaions draws fcorn and difdain upon fuperiours. As reverence and obedience is in.. joyned co inferiours ; fo Rulers should manage and order their aCtions with filch gravity ani fobri.:ty before them, as may grin force aweand ref;.ed from their hearts. No wonder, if that Ruler be contemned and flighted, whodifgr;ceth himfelr. Some are apt to count it a peece of gracious humility and lowlinefs of fpirit ; bur they are great - ly mi(faken : It argues rather a bate, low , degenerate temper. Be as humble before God, as reverential to Rulers , as affable to Equals as thou can(f ; but ever remember to maintain the eminency of thy place above inferiors. Ir is not heavenly, nonor moral wifdome,to enter ain defcourfe of trivialand frivolous matters, with chore that are under your infpeá}ion and government. Lec converfe wich inferiowrs ¡pií-tet.c.14, be fpenr, nor upo a fuperfluous but neceffary fubjeds. It is a good preces t of the Sts ck,to abElain frommoving oflaughter by jells among Maxima deb- familiars, for it will have that influence [.7 t alb:, Tñv gapaçQ's eevrgvua] tut puois reve- to leffen their reverence towards thee. There is a great deal of reve- 'n rence tobe manifetled by Superiors towards Youth; if they would che- cdydn0 rith and preferve that due reverence which ought to be in the hearts of TcwTav py- young ones towards themfelves.And yet notwith(landing,youmuff-not ;hag. aur. coin. carry your felves with any proud, fupercilious, or faifuous deportment, your countenance, though grave, yet muff not be Clem. As you need nor indent your cheeks with continual fmiles, fo neither to plow'your fore -heads with rough and fowre wrinkles. A lober affability, an unaf- fe'ed and amiable gravity will fufficiently chalfife contempt , and nourifh a reverent love. Rigid auflerity in words. and aaions will produce a flaviaadif- fpirired temper in children and fervanrs;thar when they come to years they proveeither more difficult topleafe than their. Fathers beforethem, or elfe fo pu(illanimous , that they are rendred nee ¡It tro.: unfit to manage the workof their Generation among whom they con- verfe. It is a maxim of :Plata [ ccoJ'pei >ÿ á}gía d`dAt c,s Tal*KVtsis 1.445tepb, cenAev,giyus X,j ,tu5aev9p421q) &c. ZIZIreAE,1 ] that over-much rußick íla- very renders them deje &ed, illiberal, and haters of mankinde. Car- ry. your felves therefore in that manner, that they mayneither fear or hate. sour morofiry, nor grow wanton upon. the commonnefs and.fupi- riry o_ your carriage. If inferiors repute their Rulers not wife enough to