Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serai. 8. Curial Relations. 63 togovern them ; all their inflrudtions will fall co the ground [Regimen effe non potefl, rig fnerit jregiter in reffore jndicium ] Judgement and saluiail. de Prudence in a Ruler, is the foundation of the confìtiency of Govern -1G., .Dei 1. 1.oN meet. 2. Befrequent, pithy, and clear, in Family- inflruaion. Nature without Moral difcipline is blinde , could a Heathen fay. Without viut. d`. Heavenly infiruion it's fealed up to Eternal darknefs. We are all L'd.x.steph.p.z. like Barren-heaths,andStony- defèrts by nature: Infiruolion h t ct1- Lure and improvement of the foul. 'Tis obferved by Naturalifls,that Bees do [13E0 +me 71iaoy `A, 7 7s .W°°' ra¡uti i ] carry fmall gravel in ani- their feet, to poize their little bodias through the flormy winds. Such ma1.l.i.c.u. &re inflrud}ions to the floating and wavering mindes of youth. The keel of their weak judgements would foon over-fec without the'ballaft of Difcipline ; their converfations would foon prove unfruitful , or over-fpread with the rampant briers of vice and fin, unlefs well manu red and laboured upon,and moianedwith the fweet fhowers of paren- Deutt31.1. tal teachings. Wherefore all inferiours are by God referred to their Rulers , that they may drink in the foul-refrefhing dews of prudent precepts. Even women are commanded to learn in filcnce,with all fub- Tim Z,u. jeaion,loco' xóoplov rirryrì 9tipH ; Silence is a womans ornament, as A4.P-0l.l., a great Mafier of wifdome hath obferved, Their ears íhould he more c.8p86 exercifed than their tongues. 1f they will learn any thing, let them ill¿ 1 Cor.14 35. their Husbands at home ;a who are commanded to dwell with them actor- ' 1 et.3.7. í1.3 8.ig ding to knowledge. As for fervants and children, the cafe is more evident and clear : But in all your inflruó}ions, have a care of tedious prolixity ; makeup the thorinefs of your difcourfe by frequency. Thou art injoyned to talk of Gods precepts , when thouftte{l in thine houfe, Deut.6.7.& 11. when thou walkeff by the way, and when thou lyefi down, and when thou 18 rife(h sp. Alittle now, and a little then. When thou wouldett ac- cuflome a childe to any ufeful quality,begin betimes. ( 'Tis the c fel even of a Heathen) but yet ti 1''77i' cl' inure himA;, Pol.l. g. c. by degrees. As the Precepts andAxiomes by which a wife man fliould ,7 guide his lifeaccording to the royal Moralitl fhould be [ Neu a Yy Antonin. de brief and compendious : So much more for youth. Long fripfo.1.4. P.69- Orations burthen their (mall memories too much, and (tArough fuch 4d'1o'''i643' imprudence) may occafion the loathing of fpititual Manna , cohfi- dering their being yet in the flare of nature. As Phyfitians in their Diaeterical precepts prefcribe to children, little andoften: fo mina we deal withbeginners in the things of God. A vcung pl a;nt may quick- y be over -°tutted with manure, and rottedwith too muchwatering. Y z Wealc