Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

168 The Conwerfea of our Sera into colour of char rock or weed in the Sea that lies neareft.Injication is natural to Children AfCociates and companions are the patterns of their imitation. Wherefore Plot, rch in his tradt about_the education of children , advifing Tome Graecian boyes to be, brought up with them, rd"t,, ßa7-au'. gives this precept , that there 77.7 oma7,td2 fhould be aæand`a±dT;s E'6' 7f57, of ver;tuous manners and;beüaviours,lea(t children fhouldcola- trae't fomevice from ill fociety. For, according to the Proverb, He I,rov z4Z that lives with a lameman., will learn to limp. Nay,one greater than `Plutarch tells us,Thac with afuriotas man we [hould notgoe, leaf( we learn his wayes. Childrenefpecially may be dangeroufly infected by lewd and corrupt company. Many children Of godly parents have had their manners fouled and vitiated extreamly by frequent and familiar con- verfe with the naughty children of wicked neighbours. 6. In the next place, Let feafonable and prudent rebukes be admi- nifired, according to the nature and quality of their offences. Begin gently, ufe all perfwalive motives to draw and allure them , if polÍi- ble , to the wayes of God , tell them of the rewards ofglory, of the fweet fociety in Heaven : Endeavour to fatisfie their hearts, that God is able to fill their fouls with fuch joyes, as are not to be found in the Jude zz, creatures. Offome having compa on making ri difference. But if this will not do, then begin to mix force more _Ç', ere expreflions of thy holy anger again(} fin. As there is a concater Lion in virtues , fo in paflions. Love and anger are not altogether [- ovcter ] incompatible afte5ions. Nay love may be the principle and foundation of that anger, which (hoots its rebuking Arrows againft the But of fin. It is well obferved by the Philofopher [ riypsr i Ta ipr_artwira ,ÿ . c: 3, CHs ?" xa7a Tanciuov PrA ïu) There may Le accufations and re- prehenfions connext with that love, which defigns the profit and be- nefit of the perfons beloved, and that (, to,;-;,a4, as he fayes) accord- ing to the Rule even of right reafon. Thou mayeít tell thy childe, and that with force grains.of vehemency that if he continue in finful kb. 0' ,; courfes,thatGod will he angry,andehou wilt be angry,and then let him 3 knowwhat a {earfail thing itis,tafall into the handsofthe livingGod: This Ephef4.z 6. is the way to be angry, andnot to fn,as the Apofile ccnemands. Let riot your pallions, like unruly torrents, overflow the banks that are limited by Scriptureand reafon. There is a grave and fober anger;that Will pro- cure Reverence,and advance Reformation. That whi mixt with horrid noife and clamours, floweth from the breafts of fools. in vain fhalt thou attempt to reclaim others, who art, fo ',exorbitant thy felt'. He that lets toofe the reigns upon the necks of the unruly horfes of his