Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serin. 8. Carnal Relations. 169 his pallions, will endanger the turnbling¿his reafon out of the Chariot. How fhail that perfon in his rebukes fpeak reafon to another, that hath loft his own ? He that is a llave to his irafcible appetite , can never manage ingenious reproofs. A childe can never perfwade himfelf that fuck anger proceedeth from love , when he is made the fink to re- ceive the daily difgorgements of a cholerick flomach ; when theun- happy neceffity of his relation ties him to be alwayes in the way, where anangry difpohtionmufl vent and empty it felf. If thou that ruleft be thus unruly , how cani' thou expe6I thy Inferiours tobe regular, when thy uncomely demeanour does almoft convince them, that love can hardly be the genuine root of thine anger , but that they are ,made the fad objeas of thy native temper , or that thy repreherlion is fpiced withhatred? Obferve therefore a prudent adminiftrationof thy Rebukes. Gild thofebitter pills with thehopes of recovering thy favour upon amendment, mix thefe unpleafant potions [ sic ' vtte?i ;NIA] with fome fweet emollient juyces,that fuch inter-woven lenity may procure accefs for youradmonitions , and effecî your defired if- fue. The quality of the offence, and the various aggravations of it, mull Rate the quantity, meafure, and duration of thine anger. Great faults, if repeated, deferve a greater ardencyof fpirir. Confider like- wife the Ration and place of thy feveral relations. A wife ought not robe rebuked before ciildren and fervants , leaf her fubordinate au- thority be dìminifhed. Contempt call upon the wife, will refle& up- on the husband at lali. Yea, for fmaller offences in children and fer- vants, if they be nor committed openly , rebuke them apart, and in private. But above all, Take heed thou be not foundmore leyere in reproving faults againff thy felf, than fins againl' t he great God. They that honour me (faith God to Eli, in the cafe of his fons ) Iwill hoiottr, awl they that defpife me , (hall be light) efleemed. It is a point of ex- cellent wifdorne to manage thy Family aright ir. thefe cafes. A Pilot may them as much skill and dexterity in fleerng of a little Catch or -Pinnace of pleafure,as of the vati Gallions of Spates. If thou hall caufe to be angry, yet let not thy {forms run all upon the Rocks, but endea- vour [ eci,4af 0,27,ttiircu , p.;emov ö dilemay tha4 d Ty xuTiese RapúBuuov] fpeedily to cool theinflamation, to abate the Fever, and flake the fire ofanger. It is better for a Father tobe often and nimble, than robe heavy and durable in his wrath. Wink at infirmities; if not fuch as are immediately-Gnful, chide them with frowns, and not with bitter affaults ; referve thy publick and (harp reprehenfions for open and fcand-lous offences , for reiterated and repeated tranf- , greffions Plut. ibid.p it, Ga,Q' cuy. Tom . ;p, rtr. F'ltft.t °v.p.2. 3: Sam. ä . 3 .