Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Sérm. 8. Carnal Relations. 175 Of God upon their hearts. lc is a great fault in many chat take up any neighbour-fchool where there are prophane and wicked fuch as h;ve learnt of their parents to (wear, and take Gods Name in vain : Many times little youths gather a great deal of filth, and foil , and pollu:ion ip fuch pu ces, that flicks by them many years after. Ic is a good work L a7reAcwrenv xj 7r:r kyc,uázroo a'te. Ari;R.Po1.l.7., mvageilf 1 to prohibit and keep them off from all illiberal and fordid a.17. fpeeches and fpe&acles. There was it feetns a great crew of naughty ch ldren at Bethel, in thedayes of Elijah , that rnockt the Prophet ; . Kings z. Z 3, a place that was a Seminary and Nurfery for young ones in knowledge. Kings z.3. Oh how fad is is for children that have been diligently taught at home in the fear of God , to unlearn 211 in wicked fchools 1 Have a great Eye to this , and efpecially if they be fuch as are deigned for Acade- mical learning, that they be placed under godly Tutors at theUniver- fity ; or if for Trades, or ocher mechanical myfleries, that you chufe out the hletl'ed Chadowof a godly Malter and 1st firers, that may rivet and clench the nail that thou hall knockt in. Great will be thy com- fort in this, if thou foughcefl more a pious family , than a great and rich Trade. A family wherein (lips go to Heaven , and a Trade is driven to Canaan. But efpecially in the grand concernment of Marriage, that they match into a godly family , in whore veins theblood of the Covenant cloth run. An Heirefs of th;. Divine Pro- mifes is a greater match than an Emprefs of the whole world. He that bath but one foot of Land in Mount Zion, is richer than he that holds a Scepter over the round Globe. I come now to the fecond branch of this Qeflion, and that is, Que(l.z. Bywhat means we may attain our defres in refererce toagood work. in the hearts ofthofe that areour equals, whether ofconfanguirity, ,i- nity,or neighborhood ? Anfw. As to this, I f-hall onely propofe two particular Rules,which I cannot now handle largely. t. Be diligent in private conference and admonition , as the provi- dence of God fhall adminifler feafonable occafions. Give attendance to 1 Tim. 4.13. exhortation. exhortingone another : Lay before them the weighty and Neb.,o. momentous matters of Ecernity,and another world. Such things will make deepwounds to becured in time by the hand of Heaven. Be fhort and nervous, and lead them off from Carnal difcourfe by forne fweec and heavenly diverfions. z. Mannage your Reproofs with great prudence and difcretìon : tholelimit not hate th? Brother in thy heart ; thou!halt in any wife rcbnlce Rev.29.17 thy