Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm. $ Carnal Retains. 185 iìru&ions as fo many Pearls, theirreproofs as fo many Rubies to wear Provo .y, about thy Neck. Not tobe reproved in the way of fin is a great judge- ment. To have there thorns and briars cafe in the way to our fitful Flof. z,6. lovers,is a great mercy. Oh, howmanyblellings do children enjoy by means of praying -- parents ? count it a great and an admirable favour fromGod. 6. To fuch as are imployed and exercifed in this excellent (Jut), and (lady, to perform it confcientioufly. Who ferioufly endeavour, that their yoak -fellows may be the Spoufes of Chrifl , their pofierity the children of our heavenly Father, their fervants the freemen of Chrc(+, their kindred of the Blood -royal of Heaven. Let me fay as our blef- fed Lord to Zacheus, This daya /alvation come to this houfe. This day lull thou fellowlhip with the Father and with the Son. The God of Heaven goes along with thee. Though thou does not fee the defired fruit of thy labour at prefent, do not defpond, the work is Gods. It is like to force of chafe feeds , which fown in the Earth will not come up, till the fecond fpring. The Husband-man IVeriteth for the precious James ' T. fruit of the Earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and lacer rain. It is often Peen than there is a mighty power of God going alongwith fuchcontlant endeavours ; at length the benc hand may make thee rich. The grace that dwelt in the Grand- mother Lois , in the Mother Eunice, dwelt afterward in their little z Tim. r. , Son Timothy. ThoughGod is not tiedby anybond of nature, yet fer- vent prayer is of a high efleem in the fight of God. The ufe of means direct` ed by God, is a hopeful figs of mercy intended ; where God thufech to the end,heordains to themeans.He bath chofen us to be ho- ly,that we might he gloriousHowever God deal withyou in that parti- Epbeî.x.4.,i E. cular requeff, yet be Pure your careand pains will not lofe a Cigna] re- ward ; your prayers (hall return into your ownbofotte,and I tell the; God watcheth over fuck a Family in a way of mercy and peace. His Eye of Grace is toward thee ; his holy hand will uphold ghee ; his heart will biefs thee. Unto his good pleafure, commit thy fe't,and wait the fuccefs ; go on and profper thou bleffed of the Lord B b What