Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

3erm. 9. owl bow to inflow it. I$9 that is given to them. I begin wich the firh. What are thegenuine CharaE1ers of afoul! fincere love to Chri.ff ? And in order to the Kefolution thereof, I muh premife thefe feveral Propofitions. a. Propofition. That there is a great deal of difference between Love as it is feared in the Will, or rational Appetite, and the fame At or Principle of Love, as feared in the fenfitive. In the former, it is a fettled , ra- tional, uniform, anddeliberate motion , co-incident with the very natu- ral a9 of the will it feïf ; To Love, (as thegreat School -man notes ) being nothing elfe hut [ intenfivevelle] to will intenfelyeither perfon or thing. The motion of the Will towards the Objeó, asgood and`de- frabie, and theearneh imbracing thereof ; this is rational Love. And according to the various AfpeE which it hath thereto, either as prefent or'abfent, perfe& or imperfet ; it is called love of delire, or fruiti- on, dependence, or complacency: And if the obje& be fuch, as can or doth reciprocate affection, then its friendfhip [or Amor Amicitia.] But now take Love, as it is an Af èllion properly fo called, and feared in the lower faculties of the foul, and fo there is a great variety and in- egtiality in its motions, much eafier to be felt, than expreffed ; fome- dines the foul is in a kinde of extafie, wrapt aboveit felf and then by and by it's flat and dull again. I note this fiat, for this reafon, that you may underhandwhat kinde of love it is, that our inquirydoth pro- ceed upon, viz. Rational love , it being (as a 3-udicions Divine hath often obferved) not fo fafe for Chriifians to try their hatesby the paffionate motions of Grace in the lower parts of the foul,or the affe- &ions, as by the moreequal and uniform ac` ings thereof in the will it Pelf ; the [" ibiiim4 txcv1 commandrefs of the foul. 2. ¶ropofstion. TheAuks of the Will (in fpecie morali) derive their goodnefs or vitiorsfnefspartly from the nature of the objeït , upon whim they are fixed.. I do not affert this to be the onely ground, whence they are concludedgood or evil, for the principle , and the end, and fo:neriales thedegree of theac , areall neceffary thereto , but onely that this is one thing neceffary. Thus thewilling of God, or any of thofe things, which are in a dire order to his glory, is that , we call the Grace of Love : As on the other fide, when the Will moveth towards any thing, whichhandeth in oppoftiot thereto; This is that we call Sin - ful eoncopifcence. 3. Propo- VolusYtas nihil aliud e,q,quam rntelleacts ex- tenfus ad haben- dum facienr dum icl, qued cogofcít.,Scali- ger.exerci t.i o7,: , B.axte'r31)irel' wons for peace and comfort. niict-d.r,