192 Char,rá`fett e tatetodrift, Serin. 9. matter of this grace B t I at -i not now todifcourfe thenature of this grace at large, and fo much thereofas is neceffary, will come in, when we lay down forne of the Characters of ir, and I have but two things more,and then we come to them. 6. Propoftiots. The love of the foul to Chrili in fìncerity is not any one Indivifible atl or habit, but a Iolyframe offpirit, made up of manygracioni inclinad taons, carrying thewhole foul along with it unto Chri(1 , for Union and Communion withhint. I cold you in the beginning, that it is ufed here by the ApoIle as theperiphralis of a Chriflian , a Brother, areal Saint; And therefore it is not a fuddain.and tranfient flafh of the foul, or any one ac`s, but comprehenfive of much of that, wherein the na- ture ofChrillianity doch effentially lye. This follows neceffarily from the lait propoftion ; And indeed tó make faith or love to Chriff, fuch tingle Phyftcal aEtr , as many do , as it renders the Dot/Tine of Chriftìanityperplexed, fodoth it exceedingly tend to the assufng of the Confëiences ofweak Chri(Iians , and I am afraid , Ingender alfo ro licentioufnefs : It being too ufual with fuch perlons, who prefumptu- oufly conceive themfelves to be Chrifiians , becaufe they difcern as theychink, chore fuppofed particular a&s, to take up with them, and togrow remits, and carelefs in ocher duties , as effential to Chrifliani- ty, and neceffary to falvation , as thole graces then-delves. To con- clude this propofition, you may note, that as love to God , is thefoal ofnaturalpiety, and is incorporated into every branch of ir, fo is love to Chrifi the veryfpirit, that diffufeth it felf through, and animater a! thofe duties, which are required by the New Covenant , and re/pea refus C'hrifl as Mediator. 7. Propofition. When we inquire after this love, by it's Genuinecharai;ferr , you are not to underftand thereby onely fuch fpecialproperties, as argue the effenceof this grace a pofleriori ; but you are to know chat we under- !land it, in fuch a latitude, as leaving room for all thofe arguments by which the Confcience of a Chriflian may be refolved ; whether this grace was ever trulywrought in his foul or not. And chofe things pre- mifed, theCharau`iers which evidently difcover,whether we love Chr;JIL in fincerity,are thefe that follow. a . Chara Ter. Era,55.t.& ei. We mayknow it by our former Convi£tions, and the Rule rh Where love to Chrifl it fncere, therehath been a Convifiio:i Match..114.8, widow condition withorst , and of the fulficieney , andmi. f