Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serr.9. andhow to inflame it.____ 193 Chrit, to recover the foul out of that condition; And whereever this Conviction bath been fully wrought, and the wound made thereby Regularly healed, there dwells Sincere love to him. I put this firti, as containing the originalbirth of Evangelical love. I dare affirm, Na con- viElion, ;love ; No contrition of heart for fin, no affeEtion in the foul fer Chrift ? Every degree of true Spiritual love ( faith a Divine, i Pec.a, that had well ítudied this point ) proceeds from aproportionable 40 offa- vingFaith. And to the fame purpofe ( faith Dr.Prefon) and he pre: feth tt earnefily, two things muff concur to beget love. r. The fib` c of Chritis willingnefs, and readinefs to relieve. z. His ability, and fufficiency to help. Thefe two, willingnefs, and ability, are the Crownupon the Head ofChrift, when undone fouls do firft take delight Cant.3,iz, in him, they are the f feet oyntmerts of our Lord, which by their Sa- Cazlr.z.3. vour do artraer Virgin fouls co betroth themfelves unto him. What ever A 6 T men may vainly talk, 'cis brok`exnejeof heart, and a fenfe of stpproaching 9 536' "s `' Ruine, that gives the foul the firft occifion of acquainting it felf in Mat,9.i good earnefl with Chrift, and when Faith hath thereupon found the fistta6lenef of Chritl to it fell, in its prefent lute of mifery, then the fire of love begins to burn. So that it is not a blind, cafual paflion, but a matter of right Reafo:a, mature judgement, and choice. Ir is not a frame of fpirtt, that perlons were delivered into, they know not how, but fuch, whereof they that have it,can give undeniable rea- fons,fo that if the queftion were put to any love lick :oul,as to t heSpoufe in the Canticles, chap. 5.9,10. What ís thy beloved more than another belo- ved ? file could give an Account, if not fo Gloffie and Rhetorical, yet Canr.i.3,t :.. as Logical and Rational as that, which is there given. She hath feen Chap...3, Eh.- t in Chrift, fo much Excellency in his perfon, and fo much readinet and (efficiency, as refulting from his feveral offices, which batheven ravifhed her, and made him comely to her for delights, yea, the very R. S10. chiefefis of ten thoufands : and therefore (he both can, and loth clafpe fait about him, and takes him for her Phyfitian, Husband, King, Priefl, and Prophet ; Since heis willing and fit to be my Saviour, (oh 1 faith the foul ) I will behis Difciple, Servant, Subje5 or any thing ; Thus the can 8c..5. hold no longer but falls downright lick of love. And El is is the firf' 5.4. Charadter. Take it now, and ask thy foul ; Didfl thou ever yet find thy felf loll and undone ? not able to bear up againfl the Terrours of an accufing and condemningconfcience ; evendying away for fear, left God fhould f jend all his arrows upon thee, and leave thee a Hor -our to Deur.3.,23. thy felf, and an amazement to all about thee ? And was it in this dark, Job.6.4. Vasty) that thou carneft firft ferioufly acquainted with Chrift; and Pfal.38... Cc (Edit