194 Charallers of Love to Chrift, Serm.9 jer .31.20. dida thou fee his bowels yearning to thee, and that he was fully able As 9.5 to fer thee in the light of the Countenance ofthat God, whole Terrour; as upon thee ? And under this convidtion was it, that thou didtt tiff} clofe with him ; why this is love not in pretence, and complement, bat in Sincerity : Whereas on the other tìde,if thy pretended-affeCtion wants this foundation ; if it bath been alwaies alike, neither more, nor lefs ; if that fenfele/coxceit runs through thy foul, that thou hail loved See Reya.olds Chriít ever lince thou waft born, and never dill feel the leaf Itirrings on l izl.1 o. of Enmity againfl him ; If Educative, Cuflome, outward Command- p.L,6o,&c. son, be all that thou hail to fay to prove thy love; in fairhfulnefs to Job 19 :.g thy foul, I warn thee to take heed of felf-deceit:, for furely the Root of the matter is net in thee; and if thou wilt flill prefume, norwith. ?riat ofa cl,ri_ (landing this confident denial. I h ve.bnt one word more, and that fEeazf is rocommend ro thy ferious perufal that Judicious crag} of Mr. I'rkJe, s Sitccre Y P t0:'e to c{I'ri.g. on this very Cafe, and Tex,; where theídcounterfeit grounds of.iove areBally conviEdedof Infafciency, and therefore I would not do it here main. 2. Charmer. Where love to Chrifl dwells in Sincerity, there hash been fome fenfïble lmprçon, Tile, "andFeeling of the Fathers love to the foul Rof1.9.13. in. him : -.1 co not mean, the Fathers. love, as it lies in the womb of Ro.n.S.3 °' EN-I- on, but as it hath broken forth in a powerful aFfual Vocation. The pedigree of a Chriihans love to his Saviour, is to be fetchr from John.' 4A the Fathers love to fouls in Chrifl. i John4.19. We love him be- caufe he loved ore fri. Chrifl hirnfelf as Mediarour, is but a means whereby Souls may come to God their final end, and bleflednefs ; John 14 9. And therefore as the foul that loves him, loves the blefed God s S'' -3 much more, fo before we can fix upon him with full fatisf2dtion;. fome beams thereof mutt light upon us,it being too great a diflìculcy for the foul to prevail with ir, to truft all its concernmenrs in the hands cf a CrucifiedChraf, and to be fond of him, untill it bath gained forme fweer affurance of theFathers love to it felt in him. And it is that our Saviour tells us ; yohn 6. 44, No man can come to him, except the Father that bath fent him, draw him. By coming to I rake it for granted, may be underflood, either Faith or Love; And there cannot be without the Fathers drawing, whnts that ! morally, it Les in the clear difcoveries of his ovillingnefs to be reconciled ro Cor4,2.o. us in Chrifl ; when in Conformity to his being in Chrii reconciling the World to himfelf, he is pleated to vouchfafe us his own befeechings of us to be reconciled, then he draws us. The prornife therefore of reconcile: