Serm.9. and bow toWane ze. I 95 reconciliation mutt firtt be made known, and b the Tweet influence thereof, the foul is allured with Chearfulnefs to throw it felf into the Arms of itsSaviour : And this is love. Try by this alto ; DidR thou ever find thole Cords of a man, thofe bonds of Divine, and Ravillling love, thrown upon thee ? Did thou ever fee God to be thy happinefs, and offering himfelf to thee, as fuch, and fo alluring thee Then chou arc Married toChrit1, for this fpeaks thee, United to God in love, and the end must include the means, and the greater the kffer. 3. Charac`ler. We then love Chria in Sincerity, when that affeElion in us is gtealï- fîed according to the various Excellencies, that belong to the perfon of our Lord ; when it refpedts him, according to the Manifetlation made of him in the Gofpel ; viz. not (imply as a perfon, who is Hiftari- cally made known to us by fuch a Name ; but according to the true Character of him, as God and man in one perfon ; [ 9hr.,v9p0Jrros i as one filled with the f iris of God, above meafure, by an ineffable lInEion, as John 3.3i, one admirably Condefcending, and laying his divine fplendour, and Majefly, that he might appear in the form of a Servant, andbe Pia,. 6,7, S. obedient to the death of the Croß, for the Salvation of Sinners ; and lall- ly, as one raifed from the dead by God, made able, and declaring A&s S.30, his high fatisfa&ion in the accefs of (inners unto God by him ; And fo there are theft four graces, which are alwaies attendant upon, and are, ( as it were,) incorporated into the nature of this Evangelical affecction. 1.11umble and Reverent admiration ; 'Tis an admiring Love, ObjeCls that are incomparably Excellent, doalwaies fir(t aff,d'f with admiration, and though that affe&ion diffolve into love, yet cloth it not ufually wholly ceafe, efpecially if the objeEl be not throughly Cotnprehended : 'Tis thus with thy foul ( Chriflian ) that art a fincere lover of thy Redeemer, and haft nor fec up fotne Image, of an ordi- Cant.5.16. nary perfon, in the place of hüia, thou admireft him, whom thou Eph.3.i7. love+, as never being able to comprehend his Glory : The Lord whom thou fovea being God aó well as (Man, and Man as well as John 1.1.14,, God, and all this, in one perfon : An'objeCI in whom Heaven and I Tim3.16. Earth are fo admirably blended together, that the acutelt reafon lo- fech it felf, and Rands amazed at the union, whence we find one of theAncients thus fpeakingof it, 1 know that the Word wad rmadefiefh, Chsyfosie$ but how or in what manner this mu done, I know not ; Daft thouwon- der, that 1 profetmy Ignorance ; why, thewhole Creation is Ignorant of it as well as I : And another of them gives this advice; if Reafon go about Cc z to